Base plugins for agentlessly monitoring Windows

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Base plugins for agentlessly monitoring Windows

Post by CarmosKarran »

I've put out the first beta release for my Windows plugins. They're pretty bare bones right now, but they should get a lot of the basics out of the way. I've also included a basic executor for WinRM, so you should be able to get up and monitoring pretty quickly. I guess that's the next thing I should do after this post, now that I type it out. I should make an update to the readme file for configuring said executor.

But, if anyone feels like trying them out, letting me know if things don't work the way they should, or ways they could be better, metrics that could be grabbed, etc.? I've done testing on my systems, but that's a very limited set.

All of the plugins are written in Powershell, and the WinRM executor is in Python. I'll get to work on that readme.
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