Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by martin09 »


I already made the changes, the scripts looks good,however whenever i execute it I still got the same error from the start. " the device is not supported" Do we need to tweak some other scripts on this one?.

Code: Select all

# This  Plugin checks the status of Fortigate Firewalls

# Check for proper args....
if ($#ARGV <= 0){

my %status = (  'UNKNOWN'       => '-1',
                                'OK'                     => '0',
                                'WARNING'       => '1',
                                'CRITICAL' => '2' );
my ($ip, $mode, $community, $modus, $warn, $crit, $performance) = pars_args();

@oidDescTest = (".");
until ($oidFound) {
        foreach $oidDesc (@oidDescTest) {
                $snmpCommand = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $oidDesc`;
                chomp $snmpCommand;

                if ($snmpCommand =~ "No Such Object") {
                        # Do nothing
                } else {
                        $oidFound = "yes";
                        $descString = $snmpCommand;

@descArray = split("\"", $descString);
$unitdesc = @descArray[-1];

@descArray = split(",", $unitdesc);
$unitdesc = @descArray[0];

@descArray = split(" ", $unitdesc);
$unitdesc = @descArray[0];

if ($mode =~ "cpu") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "mem") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "ses") {
$oid = ".";
} else {
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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by rkennedy »

Yeah - we may need to alter it further. I'm guessing there is one if statement that is causing the issues. Can you post the entire plugin you're attempting to use at this point?
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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by martin09 »

Hi here's the plugin codes i'm trying to use; :)


Code: Select all

# This	Plugin checks the status of Fortigate Firewalls 

# Check for proper args....
if ($#ARGV <= 0){

my %status = (	'UNKNOWN'	=> '-1',
				'OK'			 => '0',
				'WARNING'	=> '1',
				'CRITICAL' => '2' );
my ($ip, $mode, $community, $modus, $warn, $crit, $performance) = pars_args();

@oidDescTest = (".");
until ($oidFound) {
	foreach $oidDesc (@oidDescTest) {
		$snmpCommand = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $oidDesc`;
		chomp $snmpCommand;

		if ($snmpCommand =~ "No Such Object") {
			# Do nothing
		} else {
			$oidFound = "yes";
			$descString = $snmpCommand;

@descArray = split("\"", $descString);
$unitdesc = @descArray[-1];

@descArray = split(",", $unitdesc);
$unitdesc = @descArray[0];

@descArray = split(" ", $unitdesc);
$unitdesc = @descArray[0];

if ($mode =~ "cpu") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "mem") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "ses") {
$oid = ".";
} else {

eval {
	$snmpCommand = `/usr/bin/snmpwalk -v 2c -c $community $ip $oid`;
	chomp $snmpCommand;
} or do {
	print "\nOops! Your model doesn't seem to be supported by this script... Yet!\n\n";
	print "If you want to help out, try running the following command (replace \"FGXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\" with your Fortigate's serial number):\n\n";
	print "	snmpwalk -v 2c -c public [FortiGate IP address] . | grep -iR \"FGXXXXXXXXXXXXXX\"\n";
	print "\n";
	print "The OIDs for CPU usage and other stats are almost always found near an OID containing the unit's serial number.\n\n";
	print "For example, here's the output I get:\n\n";
	print "	# snmpwalk -v 2c -c public . | grep -iR \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n";
	print "		iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n";
	print "		iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n\n";
	print "Now, all I need is to find which OID branch contains the info I want.\nTo do this, I grab the OID of the first result...\n\n";
	print "	iso.\n\n";
	print "... remove the last two digits...\n\n";
	print "	iso.\n\n";
	print "... and use that with snmpwalk.\n\n";
	print "	# snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso.\n";
	print "		iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n\n";
	print "Hmmm. Nothing useful here.\n\nLet's try the second value.\n\n";
	print "	iso.\n\n";
	print "... remove the last two digits...\n\n";
	print "	iso.\n\n";
	print "... and try that with snmpwalk!\n\n";
	print "	# snmpwalk -v 2c -c public iso.\n";
	print "		iso. = INTEGER: 1\n";
	print "		iso. = STRING: \"FGT80C1234567890\"\n";
	print "		iso. = Gauge32: 99\n";
	print "		iso. = Gauge32: 72\n";
	print "		iso. = Gauge32: 19690\n";
	print "		iso. = Gauge32: 212\n";
	print "		iso. = Counter32: 4185780372\n";
	print "		iso. = Counter32: 2786324006\n";
	print "		iso. = Counter32: 0\n";
	print "		iso. = Counter32: 0\n";
	print "		iso. = \"\"\n";
	print "		iso. = No more variables left in this MIB View (It is past the end of the MIB tree)\n\n";
	print "Ooohhh... I like this!\nThe third and fourth values turn out to be the values for CPU and RAM usage, respectively..\n\n";
	print "So, try to find the values for your model, and I'll update the script with your findings.\n\n";

if ($mode =~ "cpu") {
	@cpuArray = split(" ", $snmpCommand);
	$usage = @cpuArray[-1]."%";
	$usagestring = "CPU Usage";
} elsif ($mode =~ "mem") {
	@memArray = split(":", $snmpCommand);
	$usage = @memArray[-1]."%";
	$usagestring = "Memory Usage";
} elsif ($mode =~ "ses") {
	@sesArray = split(" ", $snmpCommand);
	$usage = @sesArray[-1];
	$warn = "1800000";
	$crit = "2100000";
	$usagestring = "Active IP Sessions";

$usage =~ s/^\s+//; # Remove leading...
$usage =~ s/\s+$//; # ...and trailing spaces

my $string_errors="";
my $state = "OK";

my $unitstate="OK";
if ($modus >= 1 )
	if ($usage >= $warn)
	if ($usage >= $crit)

my $string = $unitdesc . ": " . $unitstate; 
$string = $string . ", $usagestring: " . $usage; 

my $perfstring="";
if ( $performance eq "yes" ) 
	$perfstring="| $usagestring=".$usage.";".$warn.";".$crit;
$string = $string.$perfstring;	

if($string =~/uknw/){
	$state = "UNKNOWN";
if($string =~/WARNING/){
	$state = "WARNING";
if($string =~/down/){
	$state = "CRITICAL";
if($string =~ m/critical/i){
	$state = "CRITICAL";

print $string."\n";

sub pars_args
	my $ip				= "";
	my $mode				= "";
	my $community = "public"; 
	my $modus		 = "2";
	my $warn		= "80";
	my $crit		= "90";
	my $performance = "yes";
		if($ARGV[0] =~/^-H|^--host/) 
			$ip = $ARGV[1];
			shift @ARGV;
			shift @ARGV;
		if($ARGV[0] =~/^-m|^--mode/) 
			$mode = $ARGV[1];
			shift @ARGV;
			shift @ARGV;
		if($ARGV[0] =~/^-C|^--community/) 
			$community = $ARGV[1];
			shift @ARGV;
			shift @ARGV;
		if($ARGV[0] =~/^-M|^--modus/) 
			$modus = $ARGV[1];
			shift @ARGV;
			shift @ARGV;
	if($ARGV[0] =~/^-w|^--warn/) 
			$warn = $ARGV[1];
			shift @ARGV;
			shift @ARGV;
	if($ARGV[0] =~/^-c|^--crit/) 
			$crit = $ARGV[1];
			shift @ARGV;
			shift @ARGV;
	if($ARGV[0] =~/^-f|^-F/) 
			$performance = "yes";
			shift @ARGV;
	return ($ip, $mode, $community, $modus, $warn, $crit, $performance); 

sub print_help() {
	print "\n";
	print "Usage: check_fortigate_status -H host -m mode [-C community] [-M X] [-w XX] [-c XX]\n\n";
	print "Options:\n\n";
	print " -H, --host hostname (or IP address)\n";
	print "	Check interface on the indicated host.\n\n";
	print " -m, --mode STRING\n";
	print "	What to check\n";
	print "	Valid values are:\n";
	print "		cpu		Returns CPU usage\n";
	print "		memory		Returns memory usage\n";
	print "		sessions	Returns the number of active IP sessions\n\n";
	print " -C, --community STRING\n";
	print "	SNMP community string\n";
	print "	Default: public\n\n";
	print " -M, --modus X\n";
	print "	0: Just monitor, no alarms\n";
	print "	1: Threshold excesses will cause alarms\n";
	print "	Default: 2\n\n";
	print " -w, --warn XX\n";
	print "	Nagios warning threshold\n";
	print "	Percent value for \"memory\" and \"cpu\" modes\n";
	print "	Default: 80%\n";
	print "	Integer value for \"sessions\" mode\n";
	print "	Default: 1500\n\n";
	print " -c, --crit XX\n";
	print "	Nagios critical threshold\n";
	print "	Percent value for \"memory\" and \"cpu\" modes\n";
	print "	Default: 90%\n";
	print "	Integer value for \"sessions\" mode\n";
	print "	Default: 2000\n";
	#print " -F Also giving performance data output.\n\n";
	#print "This plugin checks certain performance stats and gives the current utilization.\n\n";
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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by ssax »

Thanks, please post the exact command you are using as well.

Also, when pasting code, please wrap it in code tags.
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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by martin09 »

Hi Here's the command I'm using :)

From command.cfg

Code: Select all

define command{
        command_name    check_fortigate_status
        command_line    $USER1$/check_fortigate_status -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -m $ARG1$ -C $ARG2$ -M 1 -w $ARG3$ -c $ARG4$
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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by tgriep »

Can you login to the Nagios server, run the following commands and post the output?
Replace with the IP address and the <community> with the community string.

Code: Select all

/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_fortigate_status -H -m cpu -C <community> -M 1
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_fortigate_status -H -m mem -C <community> -M 1
/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_fortigate_status -H -m ses -C <community> -M 1
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Re: Fortigate Monitoring Plugin Issue

Post by tgriep »

One more thing to try if the above fails. It could be the OID is incorrect. Edit that script again and change the following from

Code: Select all

if ($mode =~ "cpu") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "mem") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "ses") {
$oid = ".";
} else {

Code: Select all

if ($mode =~ "cpu") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "mem") {
$oid = ".";
} elsif ($mode =~ "ses") {
$oid = ".";
} else {
Then let us know if either of these work for you.
Be sure to check out our Knowledgebase for helpful articles and solutions!