NAGIOSXI error after installation.

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NAGIOSXI error after installation.

Post by evertonpestana »


I did the installation of NAGIOSXI following all the steps in the installation guide. I'm using an installation of 32-bit CentOS 5.5 with kernel 2.6.18-194.11.4.el5PAE.

The database MySQL and Postgres are running normally created successfully as can be seen below:


nagiosxi=> \d
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | if_command_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | if_meta_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | if_option_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | if_sysstat_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | if_user_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | if_usermeta_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_commands | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_commands_command_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_events | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_events_event_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_meta | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_meta_meta_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_options | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_options_option_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_sysstat | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_sysstat_sysstat_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_usermeta | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_usermeta_usermeta_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
public | xi_users | table | nagiosxi
public | xi_users_user_id_seq | sequence | nagiosxi
(20 rows)

nagiosxi=> \q


Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 7
Server version: 5.0.70-enterprise-gpl MySQL Enterprise Server (GPL)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer.

mysql> show databases
-> ;
| Database |
| information_schema |
| test |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> quit

After installation, when opening a url http://server the following page is displayed:

Nagios XI

Click the link below to get started using Nagios XI.

Access Nagios XI (http://servidor/nagioxi/)

Check for tutorials and updates by visiting the Nagios Library at

Problems, comments, etc, should be directed to our support forum at

Nagios XI Copyright © 2009 Nagios Enterprises, LLC.

At the time I access the link Access Nagios XI (http://servidor/nagioxi/) displays the following error message:

DB Connect Error [nagiosxi]: Database connection failed

Can not a solution to this problem. Can anyone help me?

Since already many thanks.

Everton Pestana
Posts: 4380
Joined: Mon Jun 14, 2010 10:21 am

Re: NAGIOSXI error after installation.

Post by mguthrie »

Bear with me if you've tried this already, but try restarting both postgresql and mysql and see if that fixes it.

service mysqld restart
service postgresql restart
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Joined: Wed Mar 03, 2010 12:38 pm
Location: St. Paul, MN, USA

Re: NAGIOSXI error after installation.

Post by tonyyarusso »

MySQL is running, but it does not have the relevant data in it. The import databases step of the installation appears to have failed with MySQL while succeeding with postgres. Most commonly this is the result of having a password set for the MySQL root user before running the installation, which expects that to be blank.
Tony Yarusso
Technical Services