Return code of 139 is out of bounds

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Return code of 139 is out of bounds

Post by dood2005 »

I'm trying to add another drive to my nagios monitoring system (with CHECK_NT).
Currently monitors only the drive c: and on a windows server, it works great but once I add more drives (that exist on the same server) I get this error - "Return code of 139 is out of bounds"
I tried to run manually I is getting this error "Segmentation fault"

[root@srv libexec]# ./check_nt -H -p 12489 -s test$ -v USEDDISKSPACE -l c -w 80 -c 50
c:\ - total: 37.27 Gb - used: 25.41 Gb (68%) - free 11.85 Gb (32%) | 'c:\ Used Space'=25.41Gb;29.81;18.63;0.00;37.27

[root@srv libexec]# ./check_nt -H -p 12489 -s test$ -v USEDDISKSPACE -l e -w 80 -c 50
Segmentation fault

working with Centos -5
Nagios Version 3.2.3
Nclient++ 0.3.6 version

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Re: Return code of 139 is out of bounds

Post by mguthrie »

I'd snoop around in your NSClient settings, your syntax looks correct, but NSClient will only broadcast what you configure it to send. (Although it seems like that should work.)