Re: [Nagios-devel] better error message

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Re: [Nagios-devel] better error message

Post by Guest »

A message gets logged whenever a return code of 127 is found. The
log file message explains that the file may be missing. I suppose
the plugin output could also be modified, but I didn't do it because
I wasn't sure if this worked across different Unices. I guess
there's no harm in modifying the output to indicate the file may be
missing as well. Does something like "Return code 127 out of bounds -
plugin may be missing" sound reasonable?

On 23 May 2002 at 23:35, Subhendu Ghosh wrote:

> Hi Ethan
> Is there a way to get a better error message if nagios cannot find the
> specified plugin in the appropriate location?
> Currently it reports "Return 127 out of bounds" which lead to think that
> the plugin is not working - when it actually wasn't there.
> Ran across this while migrating an installation. config files were corect
> but I had forgotten to install some of add-on plugins.
> -sg

Ethan Galstad,
Nagios Developer

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