RE: [Nagios-devel] Acknowledgement Comment

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RE: [Nagios-devel] Acknowledgement Comment

Post by Guest »

This should really be parsed from the status file (let's see, it looks like
the 14th ";"-separated field for services, the 6th field for hosts ).

I prefer to keep the acknowlegements around as a way to track the history of
a problem.
Tom Bertelson "Any sufficiently advanced technology
GE Card Services is indistinguishable from magic."
-- Arthur C. Clarke

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Scibetti []

I'm having a problem with acknowledgements. A plugin that I wrote looks
to see is a service problem is acknowledged by parsing the comment.log
file. However, when a service that was in a non-OK state and
acknowledged returns to an OK state, the little acknowledgement icon
goes away, but the acknowledgement comment in the log is still there.
Now if the service returns to a non-OK state, my plugin will still
think this service is acknowledged, even though Nagios knows that its not.

Personally, it seems logical to me that when an acknowledged problem
returns to OK, the ackonwledgement comment should be removed. Is this a
bug or has this logic just never been implemented? Is there any reason
the comment should stay? Does nagios use something besides the log to
determine is a service problem is acknowledged? Any help is
appreciated. Thanks.

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Original poster: ussell Scibetti [