[Nagios-devel] Time Discrepencies w/ Pgsql 7.2.1

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[Nagios-devel] Time Discrepencies w/ Pgsql 7.2.1

Post by Guest »

I'm not 100% certain this is the place for it, but I couldn't find any other on
the website. I've noticed a problem with my install of nagios. I'm using
external database support with PostGres for everything that I can. The problem
I'm noticing is that when it saves timestamps, they are incorrect.

For example: Right now it is currently 12:35pm PST on 08/05/02. A service
that I know is being actively tested right now shows its last check time as
08/06/2002 02:29:27.

When I posted this question to the nagios-users mailing list, I got a reply
from another user who had noticed this problem as well. He remedied it by
rolling back to the previous version of postgres from 7.2.1.

Is this already a known issue? Are there any fixes for it, other than rolling
back to a previous version of Postgres?

Thanks for your help.

Mike Barrett | "I used to read, now I go to raves."
mike@daboyz.org | -- Random MUNI Rider, speaking
www.daboyz.org | to my friend Allison.

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Original poster: mike@daboyz.org