Need help in PERL SCRIPT for Nagiosgraph

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Need help in PERL SCRIPT for Nagiosgraph

Post by shean71 »

I change all Nagios standard check to Nagios SNMP Check.
In Nagiosgraph, only CPU Load showing the correct graph.
Maybe only the /output of CPU Load match with Nagiod output.

Anyone can help to check the perl regular expression for /output as following?

# Nagios plugin:
# Nagios output: 8 CPU, average load 1.0% < 98% : OK
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/output:(\d+ CPU),.*load (\d+\.\d+)\% ([0-9]+)\% : /
and push @s, [ $1, [avg1min, GAUGE, $2 ] ];

# Nagios plugin:
# Nagios output: RAM Used: 13%, SWAP Used: 0% : : OK
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
#/output:RAM Used : (\d+)\%, SWAP Used : (\d+)\% : /
/output:(RAM Used: (\d+)\.), (SWAP Used: (.*) /
and push @s, [ memory,
[ ram, GAUGE, $1 ],
[ swap, GAUGE, $2 ] ];

# Nagios plugin: check_snmp_storage
# Nagios output: Physical Memory: 13%used(2113MB/16384MB) (<90%) : OK
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/output:(.*Memory:) (.*) (.*) : (.*) /
and push @s, [ $1, [ pctused, GAUGE, $2 ] ];

# Nagios plugin: check_ping
# Nagios output: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.29 ms
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
and push @s, [ ping,
[ losspct, GAUGE, $1 ],
[ rta, GAUGE, $2/1000 ] ];

# Nagios plugin: check_snmp_storage
# Nagios output: /dev/shm: 0%used(0MB/3915MB) (<90%) : OK
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/output:.*: (\d+)\%used\((\d+).*B\/(\d+).*B\) (.*)\% : (.*)/
and push @s, [ "$1", [ pctused, GAUGE, $2 ] ];

# Nagios plugin: check_snmp_storage
# Nagios output: T: Label:TempDB Serial Number d0ed6366: 2%used(118MB/5000MB) (<90%) : OK
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
/output:.*: (.*: Label:.*: (\d+)\%used\((\d+).B\/(\d+).B\) (.*)\% : .*/
and push @s, [ "$1_drive", [ pctused, GAUGE, $2 ] ];
Thanks & Regards,