wrong notification message

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wrong notification message

Post by PBru »

hi !

I setup a service to check the consumables level on some printers but when a critical level occurs on one of the printers, instead of receiving a service critical message I get a host UP message

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***** centreon Notification *****

Host: CP0001
State: UP
Address: CP0001
Info: PING OK - Packet loss = 0%, RTA = 0.15 ms
Date/Time: 23-11-2011
I get these messages every 60mins as specified in the service definition.

I have Centreon 2.1.10 and Nagios Core 3.2.1
I can't see any problem in the .cfg files. do you have any clue ?


the hosts

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#--- hostTemplate.cfg

define host{
	name				generic-printer
	alias				generic-printer
	check_command			check_host_alive
	max_check_attempts		5
	check_interval			5
	active_checks_enabled		1
	passive_checks_enabled		0
	check_period			24x7
	process_perf_data		1
	retain_status_information	1
	retain_nonstatus_information	1
	notification_interval		30
	notification_period		24x7
	notification_options		d,u,r,s
	notifications_enabled		1
	register			0

define host{
	name				generic-printer-building-1
	use				generic-printer
	alias				generic-printer-building-1
	check_period			workhours_extended
	contact_groups			staff_building-1
	notification_options		f
	register			0

#--- host.cfg

define host{
	host_name			CP0001
	use				generic-printer-building-1
	alias				CP0001
	address				CP0001
	_HOST_ID			332
	hostgroups			Printers_building-1

#--- hostgroups.cfg

define hostgroup{
	hostgroup_name			Printers_building-1
	alias				Printers_building-1
the services

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#--- serviceTemplate.cfg

define service{
	name				generic-service
	service_description		generic-service
	is_volatile			0
	max_check_attempts		3
	normal_check_interval		5
	retry_check_interval		1
	active_checks_enabled		1
	passive_checks_enabled		0
	check_period			24x7
	event_handler_enabled		0
	process_perf_data		1
	retain_status_information	1
	retain_nonstatus_information	1
	notification_period		24x7
	notification_interval		60
	notification_options		w,c,r
	notifications_enabled		1
	first_notification_delay	0
	contact_groups			isit
	register			0

define service{
	name				check_printer
	service_description		check_printer
	use				generic-service
	register			0

define service{
	name				check_printer_building-1
	service_description		check_printer_building-1
	use				check_printer
	check_period			workhours_extended
	contact_groups			staff_building-1
	register			0

#--- service.cfg

define service{
	host_name			CP0001
	service_description		consumables
	_SERVICE_ID			2524
	use				check_printer_building-1
	check_command			check_status_printer_extended
	check_period			workhours_extended
	process_perf_data		0
	notification_options		c,r