help needed exluding items when script runs

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help needed exluding items when script runs

Post by mark.fidler »

I am currently using a script to check for expiring certificates in the personal store, however we also use wap servers and they auto renew the wap certifiactes every 2 weeks meaning the certs are only ever valid for 2 weeks. I am wanting to set the script so that it exludes only these certificates but still reports on any other that is due to expire. the below works fine overall I just need a method to exlude certain certs from the check.

# Opsview Script to check Personal Store Certs Expiring within x days
# NSC.ini line to be added:
# check_expiring_certs_personalstore=cmd /c echo scripts\check_expiring_certs_personalstore.ps1 ; EXIT($LASTEXITCODE) | powershell.exe -command -

[int]$maxWarn = 1,
[int]$maxError = 0


# blacklist all third party known expired certificates in root & co, on Windows Server 2003, 2008 & 2012


$allCerts=Get-ChildItem -Path cert: -Recurse | ? {
($_.Notafter -lt (get-date).AddDays($expireInDays)) -and
($_.PSPParentPath -notmatch "Disallowed") -and
($blacklist -notcontains $_.Thumbprint)} | select NotAfter,FriendlyName,PSParentPath

function outputCert ($temp)
foreach ($t in $temp)
$outputTemp+=$t.FriendlyName+":"+(get-date -Date $t.NotAfter -format "yyyy/MM/dd")+"`n "
return $outputTemp
# check params if provided

$temp=@($allCerts | ? {$_.PSParentPath -match "\\My$"})
if($temp.Count -gt 0)
$outputNames+=outputCert $temp

foreach ($var in (Get-Variable -Name "count*Store"))

if($countTotal -gt $maxError)
elseif($countTotal -gt $maxWarn)
$output=$state+": "+$outputNames

Write-Host $output
exit $exitcode

I have seen posts where it has the exludethumbprint added, however seen as the certificates are auto renewed very 2 weeks this means the thumbprint changes every 2 weeks. What I need is to be able to exclude certain certifiactes by Issuer or another property of the certificate that does not change when it auto renews.
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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:40 am

Re: help needed exluding items when script runs

Post by tmcdonald »

This isn't really a Nagios issue as much as it is a general Powershell issue. Custom scripts like this are not in-scope for the forum.
Former Nagios employee