check_logfiles - HOW TO??

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Posts: 20
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check_logfiles - HOW TO??

Post by CLee1972 »

So, I am fairly novice when it comes to PERL and understanding what I need done. Here is my issue:

I have a number of log files located in /var/log/sip/ named sipserver.log, sipserver.log.1, all the way up to sipserver.log.2999 and I need to be able to find events inside these logs labelled "***The recorder sent a SIP 503 service unavailable response for the request." What I am trying to understand is how to create the check_logfiles in order for it to do that and then report back OK if the logs start presenting "***The recorder sent a SIP 200 OK response for the request."

I understand a bit that --logfile /var/log/sip/ and --criticalpattern '***The recorder sent a SIP 503 service unavailable response for the request.' but I am unsure how to write the complete script and running it as it is now throws a ton of errors:

[root@ip-0-0-0-0 libexec]# ./check_logfiles --logfile=/var/log/sip/ \ --critcalpattern '***The recorder sent a SIP 503 service unavailable response for the request.'
./check_logfiles: line 1: package: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 3: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 4: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 5: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 6: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 7: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 36: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 37: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 38: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 39: use: command not found
./check_logfiles: line 41: syntax error near unexpected token `('
./check_logfiles: line 41: `Getopt::Long::Configure qw(no_ignore_case); # compatibility with old perls'

If anyone knows, please help :)
DevOps Engineer
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Location: Nagios Enterprises

Re: check_logfiles - HOW TO??

Post by scottwilkerson »

It sounds like your check_logfiles isn't being parsed as perl, first and foremost, can you attach it?
Former Nagios employee
Posts: 20
Joined: Wed Mar 07, 2018 1:53 pm

Re: check_logfiles - HOW TO??

Post by CLee1972 »

This is the file. Not sure if it is even configured properly? (Sorry it won't let me attach the file itself)

Code: Select all

package main;

use strict;
use utf8;
use File::Basename;
use File::Find;
use Getopt::Long;

#import Devel::TraceMethods qw( 
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Simple
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Rotating
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Rotating::Uniform
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Virtual
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Prescript
#    Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Postscript
#    Nagios::Tivoli::Config::Logfile
#    Nagios::Tivoli::Config::Logfile::Format
#    Nagios::Tivoli::Config::Logfile::Hit
#Devel::TraceMethods::callback ( 
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles' => \&logger, 
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Simple' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Rotating' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Rotating::Uniform' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Virtual' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Prescript' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::CheckLogfiles::Search::Postscript' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::Tivoli::Config::Logfile' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::Tivoli::Config::Logfile::Format' => \&logger,
#    'Nagios::Tivoli::Config::Logfile::Hit' => \&logger,

use constant OK => 0;
use constant WARNING => 1;
use constant CRITICAL => 2;
use constant UNKNOWN => 3;

Getopt::Long::Configure qw(no_ignore_case); # compatibility with old perls
my @cfgfiles = ();
my $needs_restart = 0;
my $enough_info = 0;

sub logger {
  my $method = shift;
  my @args = @_;
  printf STDERR "%s\n", $method;
  printf STDERR " %s\n", Data::Dumper::Dumper(\@args);

my $plugin_revision = '$Revision: 1.0 $ ';
my $progname = basename($0);

sub print_version {
  printf "%s v#PACKAGE_VERSION#\n", basename($0);

sub print_help {
  print <<EOTXT;
This Nagios Plugin comes with absolutely NO WARRANTY. You may use
it on your own risk!
Copyright by ConSol Software GmbH, Gerhard Lausser.

This plugin looks for patterns in logfiles, even in those who were rotated
since the last run of this plugin.

You can find the complete documentation at

Usage: check_logfiles [-t timeout] -f <configfile>

The configfile looks like this:

\$seekfilesdir = '/opt/nagios/var/tmp';
# where the state information will be saved.

\$protocolsdir = '/opt/nagios/var/tmp';
# where protocols with found patterns will be stored.

\$scriptpath = '/opt/nagios/var/tmp';
# where scripts will be searched for.

\$MACROS = \{ CL_DISK01 => "/dev/dsk/c0d1", CL_DISK02 => "/dev/dsk/c0d2" \};

\@searches = (
    tag => 'temperature',
    logfile => '/var/adm/syslog/syslog.log',
    rotation => 'bmwhpux',
    criticalpatterns => ['OVERTEMP_EMERG', 'Power supply failed'],
    warningpatterns => ['OVERTEMP_CRIT', 'Corrected ECC Error'],
    options => 'script,protocol,nocount',
    script => 'sendnsca_cmd'
    tag => 'scsi',
    logfile => '/var/adm/messages',
    rotation => 'solaris',
    criticalpatterns => 'Sense Key: Not Ready',
    criticalexceptions => 'Sense Key: Not Ready /dev/testdisk',
    options => 'noprotocol'
    tag => 'logins',
    logfile => '/var/adm/messages',
    rotation => 'solaris',
    criticalpatterns => ['illegal key', 'read error.*\$CL_DISK01\$'],
    criticalthreshold => 4
    warningpatterns => ['read error.*\$CL_DISK02\$'],


sub print_usage {
  print <<EOTXT;
Usage: check_logfiles [-t timeout] -f <configfile> [--searches=tag1,tag2,...]
       check_logfiles [-t timeout] --logfile=<logfile> --tag=<tag> --rotation=<rotation>
                      --criticalpattern=<regexp> --warningpattern=<regexp>


%commandline = ();
my @params = (
    # limit process address space to i megabytes
    # which searches
    # globals
    # thresholds
    # search
    # search options
if (! GetOptions(\%commandline, @params)) {

if (exists $commandline{version}) {
  exit UNKNOWN;

if (exists $commandline{help}) {
  exit UNKNOWN;

if (exists $commandline{config}) {
  $enough_info = 1;
} elsif (exists $commandline{configdir}) {
  $enough_info = 1;
} elsif (exists $commandline{logfile}) {
  $enough_info = 1;
} elsif (exists $commandline{type} && $commandline{type} =~ /^(eventlog|errpt|ipmitool|wevtutil|executable|dumpel|journald)/) {
  $enough_info = 1;
} elsif (exists $commandline{deinstall}) {
  $commandline{type} = 'dummy';
  $enough_info = 1;

if (! $enough_info) {
  exit UNKNOWN;

if (exists $commandline{daemon}) {
  my @newargv = ();
  foreach my $option (keys %commandline) {
    if (grep { /^$option/ && /=/ } @params) {
      push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
      push(@newargv, sprintf "%s", $commandline{$option});
    } else {
      push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
  $0 = 'check_logfiles '.join(' ', @newargv);
  if (! $commandline{daemon}) {
    $commandline{daemon} = 300;
if (exists $commandline{environment}) {
  # if the desired environment variable values are different from
  # the environment of this running script, then a restart is necessary.
  # because setting $ENV does _not_ change the environment of the running script.
  foreach (keys %{$commandline{environment}}) {
    if ((! $ENV{$_}) || ($ENV{$_} ne $commandline{environment}->{$_})) {
      $needs_restart = 1;
      $ENV{$_} = $commandline{environment}->{$_};
if ($needs_restart) {
  my @newargv = ();
  foreach my $option (keys %commandline) {
    if (grep { /^$option/ && /=/ } @params) {
      if (ref ($commandline{$option}) eq "HASH") {
        foreach (keys %{$commandline{$option}}) {
          push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
          push(@newargv, sprintf "%s=%s", $_, $commandline{$option}->{$_});
      } else {
        push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
        push(@newargv, sprintf "%s", $commandline{$option});
    } else {
      push(@newargv, sprintf "--%s", $option);
  exec $0, @newargv;
  # this makes sure that even a SHLIB or LD_LIBRARY_PATH are set correctly
  # when the perl interpreter starts. Setting them during runtime does not
  # help loading e.g.

if (exists $commandline{configdir}) {
  sub eachFile {
    my $filename = $_;
    my $fullpath = $File::Find::name;
    #remember that File::Find changes your CWD, 
    #so you can call open with just $_
    if ((-f $filename) && ($filename =~ /\.(cfg|conf)$/)) { 
      push(@cfgfiles, $fullpath);
  find (\&eachFile, $commandline{configdir});
  @cfgfiles = sort { $a cmp $b } @cfgfiles;
if (exists $commandline{config}) {
  # -f is always first
  unshift(@cfgfiles, $commandline{config});
if (scalar(@cfgfiles) == 1) {
  $commandline{config} = $cfgfiles[0];
} elsif (scalar(@cfgfiles) > 1) {
  $commandline{config} = \@cfgfiles;
if (exists $commandline{searches}) {
  $commandline{selectedsearches} = $commandline{searches};
if (! exists $commandline{selectedsearches}) {
  $commandline{selectedsearches} = "";
if (exists $commandline{type}) {
  my ($type, $details) = split(":", $commandline{type});
if (exists $commandline{criticalpattern}) {
  $commandline{criticalpattern} = '.*' if
      $commandline{criticalpattern} eq 'match_them_all';
  delete $commandline{criticalpattern} if
      $commandline{criticalpattern} eq 'match_never_ever';
if (exists $commandline{warningpattern}) {
  $commandline{warningpattern} = '.*' if
      $commandline{warningpattern} eq 'match_them_all';
  delete $commandline{warningpattern} if
      $commandline{warningpattern} eq 'match_never_ever';
if (! exists $commandline{seekfilesdir}) {
  if (exists $ENV{OMD_ROOT}) {
    $commandline{seekfilesdir} = $ENV{OMD_ROOT}."/var/tmp/check_logfiles";
  } else {
    $commandline{seekfilesdir} = $SEEKFILESDIR;

if ($^O eq "hpux") {
  $ENV{PATH} = $ENV{PATH}.":/usr/contrib/bin";

if (my $cl = Nagios::CheckLogfiles->new({
    cfgfile => $commandline{config} ? $commandline{config} : undef,
    searches => [ 
        map {
          if (exists $commandline{type} && $commandline{type} eq 'rotating::uniform') {
            $_->{type} = $commandline{type};
          } elsif (exists $commandline{type}) {
            # "eventlog" or "eventlog:eventlog=application,include,source=cdrom,source=dvd,eventid=23,eventid=29,operation=or,exclude,eventid=4711,operation=and"
            my ($type, $details) = split(":", $commandline{type});
            $_->{type} = $type;
            if ($details) {
              $_->{$type} = {};
              my $toplevel = $_->{$type};
              foreach my $detail (split(",", $details)) {
                my ($key, $value) = split("=", $detail);
                if ($value) {
             	    if (exists $toplevel->{$key}) {
                    $toplevel->{$key} .= ','.$value;
                  } else {
                    $toplevel->{$key} = $value;	
                } else {
                  $_->{$type}->{$key} = {};
                  $toplevel = $_->{$type}->{$key};
        map { # ausputzen
            foreach my $key (keys %{$_}) { 
    	      delete $_->{$key} unless $_->{$key}}; $_;
        } ({
        tag => 
            $commandline{tag} ? $commandline{tag} : undef,
        logfile => 
            $commandline{logfile} ? $commandline{logfile} : undef,
        type => 
            $commandline{type} ? $commandline{type} : undef,
        rotation => 
            $commandline{rotation} ? $commandline{rotation} : undef,
        tivolipatterns =>
            $commandline{tivolipattern} ?
                $commandline{tivolipattern} : undef,
        criticalpatterns =>
            $commandline{criticalpattern} ?
                $commandline{criticalpattern} : undef,
        criticalexceptions =>
            $commandline{criticalexception} ?
                $commandline{criticalexception} : undef,
        warningpatterns =>
            $commandline{warningpattern} ?
                $commandline{warningpattern} : undef,
        warningexceptions =>
            $commandline{warningexception} ?
                $commandline{warningexception} : undef,
        okpatterns =>
            $commandline{okpattern} ?
                $commandline{okpattern} : undef,
        patternfiles =>
            $commandline{patternfile} ?
                $commandline{patternfile} : undef,
        options => join(',', grep { $_ }
            $commandline{noprotocol} ? "noprotocol" : undef,
            $commandline{nocase} ? "nocase" : undef,
            $commandline{noperfdata} ? "noperfdata" : undef,
            $commandline{winwarncrit} ? "winwarncrit" : undef,
            $commandline{nologfilenocry} ? "nologfilenocry" : undef,
            $commandline{logfilemissing} ? "logfilemissing=".$commandline{logfilemissing} : undef,
            $commandline{syslogserver} ? "syslogserver" : undef,
            $commandline{syslogclient} ? "syslogclient=".$commandline{syslogclient} : undef,
            $commandline{maxlength} ? "maxlength=".$commandline{maxlength} : undef,
            $commandline{lookback} ? "lookback=".$commandline{lookback} : undef,
            $commandline{context} ? "context=".$commandline{context} : undef,
            $commandline{allyoucaneat} ? "allyoucaneat" : undef,
            $commandline{criticalthreshold} ? "criticalthreshold=".$commandline{criticalthreshold} : undef,
            $commandline{warningthreshold} ? "warningthreshold=".$commandline{warningthreshold} : undef,
            $commandline{encoding} ? "encoding=".$commandline{encoding} : undef,
            defined $commandline{sticky} ? "sticky".($commandline{sticky} ? "=".$commandline{sticky} : "") : undef,
            $commandline{preferredlevel} ? "preferredlevel=".$commandline{preferredlevel} : undef,
        archivedir =>
            $commandline{archivedir} ?
                $commandline{archivedir} : undef,
    options => join(',', grep { $_ }
        $commandline{report} ? "report=".$commandline{report} : undef,
        $commandline{seekfileerror} ? "seekfileerror=".(uc $commandline{seekfileerror}) : undef,
        $commandline{logfileerror} ? "logfileerror=".(uc $commandline{logfileerror}) : undef,
        $commandline{maxmemsize} ? "maxmemsize=".$commandline{maxmemsize} : undef,
        $commandline{rotatewait} ? "rotatewait" : undef,
        $commandline{htmlencode} ? "htmlencode" : undef,
        $commandline{rununique} ? "rununique" : undef,
    selectedsearches => [split(/,/, $commandline{selectedsearches})],
    dynamictag => $commandline{tag} ? $commandline{tag} : undef,
    #report => $commandline{report} ? $commandline{report} : undef,
    cmdlinemacros => $commandline{macro},
    seekfilesdir => $commandline{seekfilesdir} ? $commandline{seekfilesdir} : undef,
    protocolsdir => $commandline{protocolsdir} ? $commandline{protocolsdir} : undef,
    scriptpath => $commandline{scriptpath} ? $commandline{scriptpath} : undef,
    protocolsretention => $commandline{protocolsretention} ? $commandline{protocolsretention} : undef,
    reset => $commandline{reset} ? $commandline{reset} : undef,
    unstick => $commandline{unstick} ? $commandline{unstick} : undef,
    warning => $commandline{warning} ? $commandline{warning} : undef,
    critical => $commandline{critical} ? $commandline{critical} : undef,
  })) {
  $cl->{verbose} = $commandline{verbose} ? 1 : 0;
  $cl->{timeout} = $commandline{timeout} ? $commandline{timeout} : 360000;
  if ($commandline{install}) {
    $cl->install_windows_service($commandline{service}, $commandline{config},
        $commandline{username}, $commandline{password});
  } elsif ($commandline{deinstall}) {
  } elsif ($commandline{daemon}) {
  } else {
  my $exitmessage      = $cl->{exitmessage};
  # Escape | character to not break perfdata
  $exitmessage         =~ s/\|/\/\//g;
  my $long_exitmessage = $cl->{long_exitmessage} ? $cl->{long_exitmessage}."\n" : "";
  printf "%s%s\n%s", $exitmessage,
      $cl->{perfdata} ? "|".$cl->{perfdata} : "",
  exit $cl->{exitcode};
} else {
  printf "%s\n", $Nagios::CheckLogfiles::ExitMsg;
  exit $Nagios::CheckLogfiles::ExitCode;
DevOps Engineer
Posts: 19396
Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 3:11 pm
Location: Nagios Enterprises

Re: check_logfiles - HOW TO??

Post by scottwilkerson »

looks like you are missing the most important line
This should be at the top of the file

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Former Nagios employee