Welcome to the Nagios Community Support Forum

Support forum for Nagios Core, Nagios Plugins, NCPA, NRPE, NSCA, NDOUtils and more. Engage with the community of users including those using the open source solutions.
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Welcome to the Nagios Community Support Forum

Post by benjaminsmith »

Welcome to the Nagios Community Support Forum! For the fastest response to your questions, please follow the guidelines and suggestions below.

For general information and forum instructions, please visit our frequently asked questions page.

Getting Help

Your Product
When posting, please let us know what product you need help with, such as
  • Nagios Core
    Nagios XI
    Nagios Log Server
    Nagios Network Analyzer
    Other Nagios Open Source Products: NRPE, NCPA, NRDP, NSCA, NDOUTILS or the Nagios Monitoring Plugins

Descriptive Subject Line
Use a subject line that accurately and concisely states the issue.

Clearly describe the problem
If possible, outline the steps required to repeat the issue. Use screenshots and post relevant error messages from the terminal to help others diagnose the problem.

Be patient.
This is a community forum. Every user has a different deployment, it may take some time to work out your specific issue. If you require faster resolution and a response guarantee, consider purchasing a Nagios Support Plan.

Helping Others

Look for unanswered posts in an area that interest you or you have some previous experience with. Don’t worry if you don’t know the exact answer or can’t resolve it in the first step, you can always share what you have discovered researching the problem. Helping others out on the Community Forum is a great way to learn Nagios, improve your skills and connect with other IT professionals.

Reporting Security Vulnerabilities

At Nagios, we make security a priority. We strive to patch any security issues in a timely manner. We highly recommend using the latest versions available for our software.

Please send security vulnerabilities found in any of the Nagios commercial products and security related emails to security@nagios.com. For our open source products, please post this to the corresponding Github Repository.
As of May 25th, 2018, all communications with Nagios Enterprises and its employees are covered under our new Privacy Policy.

Be sure to check out our Knowledgebase for helpful articles and solutions!