Nagios checks are rescheduled during the nagios reload

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Nagios checks are rescheduled during the nagios reload

Post by jmarenkov »

Each Nagios instance is performing around 8 000 checks per minute. We have a script that is running each minute and that is generating new configuration files for Nagios. E.g. the script adds new hosts to Nagios for monitoring or removes the deleted ones. After changing the Nagios configuration files the script call nagios reload command.

The problem we have is that if nagios reload is called then multiple checks are rescheduled and overall number of checks drops from 8K per minute to 4K per minute. As a result, if we reload nagios 10 times in a row then some checks are postponed 10 minutes or so. We are using Nagios Core 4.3.1

Do you have any idea, how to make the configuration reload so it will not affect the performance of the checks? Could you help me with that?