WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted

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WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted

Post by dhorton »

Below is the output related to nrpe checks. It seems we get the WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted as a result of running a command from the nrpe.cfg What I don't understand is why. It seems to be working for the most part though sometimes notifications are skipped. Maybe it is related to this. The nrpe.service is setup for the nagios user and group. The nagios user and group is also in the sudoers file. The owner and group for the .py file in the command are both set to root which shouldn't be an issue with nagios in the sudoers file right? This is a nuisance message that floods my logs when I am doing my daily reviews of the system. I would really like to find out how to eliminate it. FYI hostname is the masked name of our actual server Nagios is running on and the ##### is just the port being masked by me for security reasons.

Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: CONN_CHECK_PEER: checking if host is allowed: port #####
Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: Connection from port #####
Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: is_an_allowed_host (AF_INET): is host >< an allowed host ><
Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: is_an_allowed_host (AF_INET): host is in allowed host list!
Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: Host address is in allowed_hosts
Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: Host is asking for command 'nagios_ospf_link_status' to be run...
Jun 04 10:13:30 hostname nrpe[5819]: Running command: python /opt/splunk_rest/splunk_rest_search_27.py -r nagios_ospf_link_status -c "count = 2"
Jun 04 10:13:30 peprdnms01 nrpe[5820]: WARNING: my_system() seteuid(0): Operation not permitted
Jun 04 10:13:31 peprdnms01 nrpe[5819]: Command completed with return code 0 and output: [PASSED]