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PowerShell script always returns '0' when run via check_ncpa

Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2021 3:20 pm
by UWMadPath

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Nagios XI version: 5.8.4
Release info: localhost.localdomain 3.10.0-1127.19.1.el7.x86_64 x86_64
CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)
Gnome is not installed
I'm trying to use the powershell script from here (script pasted below) to check the replication status in Hyper-V. It works correctly when run locally on the Hyper-V host, but always returns '0' with no stdout when run from Nagios.

Running the script locally on Hyper-V host.

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PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\plugins> .\Check-HyperVReplica.ps1

Hyper-V Replica Health is warning for XXXXXXXXX. Replication is paused for virtual machine 'XXXXXXXXX'. |
Running the check from Nagios server.

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[root@localhost libexec]# ./ -H XXXXXXXXX -t XXXXXXXXXXXX -P 5693 -M 'plugins/Check-HyperVReplica.ps1' --verbose --debug ; echo $?

Connecting to: https://XXXXXXXXX:5693/api/plugins/Check-HyperVReplica.ps1/?token=XXXXXXXXX&check=1
File returned contained:
    "returncode": 0,
    "stdout": ""

I've hit a wall, so any help getting this working is appreciated. Or if anyone has an alternate method of checking replication health in Hyper-V, I'll take that too.


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   A PowerShell Nagios script to check the health of Hyper-V replicas.
   A PowerShell Nagios script to check the health of Hyper-V replicas.
   Using the Hyper-V module we can check for VM's that are primary replicas
   and check their replication health. If they are not normal then we report
   back warning or critical depending on the replication health status.

   Usage with NSClient++
   Add an external command to your nsclient.ini:
   CheckHyperVReplica=cmd /c echo scripts\Check-HyperVReplica.ps1; exit($lastexitcode) | powershell.exe -command -

   Create a nagios service check:
   $USER1$/check_nrpe -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u -t 90 -c $ARG1$
   ($ARG1$ = CheckHyperVReplica)

   Created by: Jason Wasser @wasserja
   Modified: 10/6/2015 08:37:33 AM  

   Version 1.3

   v 1.3
    * Now shows critical VM's with Warning VM's if both are present.
    * Using Get-VMReplication appears to be more efficient when grabbing all VM's.
    * I attempted to change to filtering using the Get-VMReplication and Measure-VMReplication, but it required multiple queries increasing run time.
   v 1.2
    * Need to not just include Primary VM's, but Replica's as well. New default is to include Primary and Replica VM's 
      in check. Added switch to include only primary replicas if needed.
    * Added replication health details to output so we know why the VM repliation is unhealthy.

   Checks the Hyper-V Replica status of VM's on the local computer and returns status code.
   .\Check-Hyper-VReplica.ps1 -ComputerName SERVER01
   Checks the Hyper-V Replica status of VM's on the remote computer SERVER01 and returns status code.
#Requires -Modules Hyper-V
#Requires -Version 3.0
    # Name of the server, defaults to local
    [int]$returnStateOK = 0,
    [int]$returnStateWarning = 1,
    [int]$returnStateCritical = 2,
    [int]$returnStateUnknown = 3,

    # Get a list of VM's who are primary replicas whose is not Normal.
    try {
        if ($IncludePrimaryReplicaOnly) {
            $VMs = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $ComputerName -ReplicationMode Primary -ErrorAction Stop
        else {
            $VMs = Get-VMReplication -ComputerName $ComputerName -ErrorAction Stop
    catch {
        Write-Output "Hyper-V Replica Status is Unknown.|" ; exit $returnStateUnknown
    if ($VMs) {
        # If we have VMs with repliation issues then we need to report their status.
        $CriticalVMs = $VMs | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ReplicationHealth -eq 'Critical'}
        $WarningVMs = $VMs | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.ReplicationHealth -eq 'Warning'}
        if ($CriticalVMs -and $WarningVMs) {
            $CriticalVMsDetails = $CriticalVMs | ForEach-Object {Measure-VMReplication -VMName $_.Name -ComputerName $ComputerName}
            $WarningVMsDetails = $WarningVMs | ForEach-Object {Measure-VMReplication -VMName $_.Name -ComputerName $ComputerName}
            Write-Output "Hyper-V Replica Health is critical for $($CriticalVMsDeatails.Name) and warning for $($WarningVMsDetails.Name). $($CriticalVMsDetails.ReplicationHealthDetails) $($WarningVMsDetails.ReplicationHealthDetails) |" ; exit $returnStateCritical
        elseif ($CriticalVMs) {
            $CriticalVMsDetails = $CriticalVMs | ForEach-Object {Measure-VMReplication -VMName $_.Name -ComputerName $ComputerName}
            Write-Output "Hyper-V Replica Health is critical for $($CriticalVMsDetails.Name). $($CriticalVMsDetails.ReplicationHealthDetails) |" ; exit $returnStateCritical
        elseif ($WarningVMs) {
            $WarningVMsDetails = $WarningVMs | ForEach-Object {Measure-VMReplication -VMName $_.Name -ComputerName $ComputerName}
            Write-Output "Hyper-V Replica Health is warning for $($WarningVMsDetails.Name). $($WarningVMsDetails.ReplicationHealthDetails) |" ; exit $returnStateWarning
        else {
            Write-Output "Hyper-V Replica Health is Normal.|" ; exit $returnStateOK
    else {
        # No Replication Problems Found
        Write-Output "Hyper-V Replica Health is Normal. |" ; exit $returnStateOK