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check_ad for win2k8 r2

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 4:04 pm
by arizzotto
Hi All,

I am running NSClient++ version on a windows 2008 r2 server. I am having a problem getting the check_ad plugin to work. When I try to run the command from the nagios server using
check_nrpe -H ipaddress of server -c check_ad I get an error No handler for command: check_ad. Also when I look in the nsclient log I get the following error:

2012-12-04 15:53:02: e:..\..\..\trunk\service\NSClient++.cpp:953: No handler for command: check_ad avalible commands: commands {, alias_cpu, alias_cpu_ex, alias_disk, alias_disk_loose, alias_event_log, alias_file_age, alias_file_size, alias_mem, alias_process, alias_process_count, alias_process_hung, alias_process_stopped, alias_sched_all, alias_sched_long, alias_sched_task, alias_service, alias_service_ex, alias_up, alias_updates, alias_volumes, alias_volumes_loose, check_cpu, check_eventlog, check_memory, check_nscp, check_ok, check_pdh, check_process, check_registry, check_service, check_uptime, checkalwayscritical, checkalwaysok, checkalwayswarning, checkcounter, checkcpu, checkcritical, checkdrivesize, checkeventlog, checkfile2, checkfiles, checkfilesize, checkmem, checkmultiple, checkok, checkprocstate, checkservicestate, checksingleregentry, checkuptime, checkversion, checkwarning, checkwmi, checkwmivalue, listcounterinstances}, plugins {, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}
2012-12-04 15:53:02: e:..\..\..\..\trunk\include\nscapi\nscapi_core_wrapper.cpp:181: No handler for command 'check_ad'.

If I just run check_nrpe -H ipaddress of server I get I (0,4,1,66 2012-11-18) seem to be doing fine.. so I would think the the server can talk via nrpe. If I run the check_ad.exe from the modules folder C:\Program Files\NSClient++\modules>check_ad.exe --dc everything comes back ok.

In the nsclient.ini file I have set the command to:
command[check_ad]=C:\Program Files\NSClient++\modules\check_ad.exe --dc

also tried

check_ad=C:\Program Files\NSClient++\modules\check_ad.exe --dc

Not sure where to go from here.....

Thank you.

Re: check_ad for win2k8 r2

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 6:18 pm
by jsmurphy
Silly question, but did you remember to restart NSClient after making the changes? Unlike NRPE, NSClient will only read the config on startup and requires a reload when changes are made.

Re: check_ad for win2k8 r2

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:59 pm
by arizzotto
Would just stopping then starting the nsclient service be enough.


Re: check_ad for win2k8 r2

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 5:01 pm
by jsmurphy
Yes, yes it would. :)