Include host notes in notifications

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Include host notes in notifications

Post by joedetroit »

---edit: discovered custom variables and made one to do what I need ---

Hi all--

I just started at a company which has a Nagios3 Core installation, and I've been tasked with adding notes to some of the hosts (specifically routers with circuit IDs, etc.)

How can I add the 'notes' field from the host definition to the notification email that goes out when a host is down?

I tried $HOSTNOTES$ hoping to get lucky, but it didn't work ;-)

Here's a host definition I set up for testing---

# 'TEST HOST' host definition
define host{
use generic-host ; Name of host template to use
host_name it3nb
alias Notebook for Notification Test
check_command check-host-alive
max_check_attempts 5
notification_interval 3
notification_period workhours_remote
notification_options d,u,r
contact_groups server-admins
notes TESTING HOST NOTES <----this is what I want to add to the emails

Thanks for any help,