hostsgroup others

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hostsgroup others

Post by gabo004 »

How could I create hostgroup, which automaticlly contains every hosts, that are not defined in any other group ? something like:

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define  hostgroup{
         hostgroup_name            others
         members                   *, !HOSTGROUP1, !HOSTGROUP2...
Thank you.
Skynet Drone
Posts: 2620
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:56 pm

Re: hostsgroup others

Post by jdalrymple »

Doesn't seem possible using builtin constructs. If it were possible I'd think the way you suggested would be it, and that doesn't work fro me. You'll probably have to write a script that parses your config and creates your hg for you.
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Re: hostsgroup others

Post by millisa »

Is the goal just to catch hosts not added to a hostgroup so you can spot them?

If so, you could do it with a service definition since with those you *can* send it a * for the host_name and then do a set of exceptions with hostgroups.
Something like this would use check_dummy for all hosts not defined in the hostgroups you list:

Code: Select all

define service{
        use                             yourservicetemplate
        host_name                       *
        hostgroup_name                  !hostgroup1, !hostgroup2, !hostgroupC
        service_description             NoHostGroup
        check_command                   check_dummy!2!IHaveNoHostGroup  
          #check_dummy takes 0-3 (0=ok, 1=warn, 2=crit, 3=unk) 
          #as the first arg and just returns that as the nagios state
          #2nd arg is output text
check_dummy command def in case you don't have one:

Code: Select all

define command{
        command_name check_dummy
        command_line $USER1$/check_dummy $ARG1$ $ARG2$
(If you want to include other hostgroups in a hostgoups directive, you'd normally do with the optional 'hostgroup_members' directive, not in the members directive; unfortunately hostgroup_members doesn't take !'s for negation - feature request?)

Edit1: Changed the check to use check_dummy instead of check_ping
Skynet Drone
Posts: 2620
Joined: Wed Feb 11, 2015 1:56 pm

Re: hostsgroup others

Post by jdalrymple »

Nice one, I tested this and it did work. It won't create a hostgroup for you, but it might achieve your needs.