xi_service_notification_handler not sending Emails

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xi_service_notification_handler not sending Emails

Post by JohnFLi »

Ok, i'm not really sure WHY this isn't working.....
exchange 2016 on-prem
nagios XI 5.8.2
centos: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009 (Core)

for the sake of this questions, i have 2 contacts.
user1: email@mydomain.com
user2: is an exchange contact that is just the email address to send texts. (ie. mycellnumber@vzpix.com)

using " xi_service_notification_handler " for each contact
the contact that sends to the cell phone works fine.
user1 does not get any emails from nagios.

I check /var/log/maillog and I see the messages go to user2, but nothng for user1.... so that tells me it isn't even trying.

but if i set user1 to use " notify-service-by-email", that user gets the emails just fine.

in XI under Admin/email settings I have selected 'sendmail' and i have also tried 'smtp'......same result

any thoughts???
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Re: xi_service_notification_handler not sending Emails

Post by JohnFLi »

well, this makes zero sense.

After letting things sit overnight......it started working this morning.
Nothing had changed since I left work yesterday.....
I came in this morning, changed the same service i was testing with yesterday, and poof.....started getting emails with "xi_service_notification_handler".
Which in turn allows me to reply to it and acknoledge the alert via email.

Perhaps it just needed to think about it overnight.
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Re: xi_service_notification_handler not sending Emails

Post by dchurch »

Glad to hear it fixed itself!

For next time, here are some tips:

Sometimes Postfix (the mailer daemon on modern Linux systems) can become bogged down and fail to deliver messages for some time, given network conditions. Check the system's outgoing mail queue using this:

Code: Select all

postqueue -p
Flush the queue (i.e. send all queued messages) using this command:

Code: Select all

postqueue -f
Dump the queue (i.e. delete all unsent messages) using this command:

Code: Select all

postsuper -d ALL
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Re: xi_service_notification_handler not sending Emails

Post by JohnFLi »

Thank you for that info......
There were 4 items that were 'stuck' from last friday when i first started working with this.

WIth your commands, i was able to see them, and delete them.....

so again, thank you.
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Re: xi_service_notification_handler not sending Emails

Post by lmiltchev »

I am glad your issue has been resolved! I will be locking this post. If you have any further questions, please start a new thread. Thank you!
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