Having issue with plugin

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Re: Having issue with plugin

Post by rdurga »

We are able to run the script locally. I have the output below. I had the script check the file size of the perl script listed earlier that also was not detected.

PS D:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\plugins> .\check_file_size.ps1 D:\'Program Files (x86)'\Nagios\plugins\check_filesize.pl 10 20
OK: The size of the file is 8 KB.
PS D:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\plugins> .\check_file_size.ps1 D:\'Program Files (x86)'\Nagios\plugins\check_filesize.pl 5 10
Warning: The size of the file is 8 KB.
PS D:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\plugins> .\check_file_size.ps1 D:\'Program Files (x86)'\Nagios\plugins\check_filesize.pl 2 5
Critical: The size of the file is 8 KB.

Below is our ncpa.cfg. The ncpa_listener.log was just an empty file.
# NCPA Main Config File
# ---------------------

# -------------------------------
# General Configuration
# -------------------------------


# Check logging is on by default, you can disable it if you do not want to record
# the check requests that are coming in or checks being sent over NRDP.
# Default: check_logging = 1
check_logging = 1

# Check logging time - how long in DAYS you'd like to keep checks in the database.
# Default: 30
check_logging_time = 30

# Excluded file system types removes these fs types from the disk metrics
# (This is mostly only noteable on UNIX systems but also works on Windows if you need it)
# Default: aufs,autofs,binfmt_misc,cifs,cgroup,configfs,debugfs,devpts,devtmpfs,
# encryptfs,efivarfs,fuse,fusectl,hugetlbfs,mqueue,nfs,overlayfs,proc,pstore,
# rpc_pipefs,securityfs,selinuxfs,smb,sysfs,tmpfs,tracefs
exclude_fs_types = aufs,autofs,binfmt_misc,cifs,cgroup,configfs,debugfs,devpts,devtmpfs,encryptfs,efivarfs,fuse,fusectl,hugetlbfs,mqueue,nfs,overlayfs,proc,pstore,rpc_pipefs,securityfs,selinuxfs,smb,sysfs,tmpfs,tracefs

# The default unit to convert bytes (B) into if no unit is specified
# (Gi = 1024 MiB, G = 1000 MB)
default_units = Gi

# -------------------------------
# Listener Configuration (daemon)
# -------------------------------


# User and group to run plugins as (recommended to use nagios:nagios)
# Default: uid = nagios
# Default: gid = nagios
# ** Note - The daemon runs as root, but forks a child process when running a plugin
# that is defined by the user, for security reasons. However, without the main daemon
# running as root, much of the system information would be missing. This is typical behavior. **
# This is for Unix only (Linux, Mac OS X, etc)
uid = nagios
gid = nagios

# IP address and port number for the Listener to use for the web GUI and API
# Default: ip =
# Default: port = 5693
ip =
port =5693

# SSL connection and certificate config (if an SSL option is not available on some older
# operating systems it will default back to TLSv1)
# ssl_version options: TLSv1, TLSv1_1, TLSv1_2
# ssl_ciphers = <list of ciphers>
ssl_version =TLSv1_2
certificate = adhoc

# Listener logging file level, location, and the PID location
# Default: loglevel = info (debug, info, warning, error)
# Default: logfile = var/log/ncpa_listener.log
# Default: pidfile = var/run/ncpa_listener.pid (leave listener in pid file name)
loglevel =warning
logfile = var/log/ncpa_listener.log
pidfile = var/run/ncpa_listener.pid

# Delay the listener (API & web GUI) from starting in seconds
# Default: 0
# delay_start = 30

# Allow admin functionality in the web GUI. When this is set to 0, the admin section will not
# be displayed in the header and will not be available to be accessed.
# Default: 1
admin_gui_access = 1

# Admin password for the admin section in the web GUI, by default there is no admin
# password and the admin section of the GUI can be accessed by anyone if admin_gui_access is set to 1.
# Default: None
# Note: Setting this value to 'None' will automatically log you in, setting it empty will allow you to
# log in using a blank password.
admin_password = None

# Require admin password to access ALL of the web GUI.
# This does not affect API access via token (community_string).
# Default: 0
admin_auth_only = 0

# Comma separated list of allowed hosts that can access the API (and GUI)
# Exmaple:
# Example subnet:
# allowed_hosts =

# -------------------------------
# Listener Configuration (API)
# -------------------------------


# The token that will be used to log into the basic web GUI (API browser, graphs, top charts, etc)
# and to authenticate requests to the API and requests through check_ncpa.py
community_string =#################

# -------------------------------
# Passive Configuration (daemon)
# -------------------------------


# Handlers are a comma separated list of what you would like the passive agent to run
# Default: None
# Options:
# nrds, nrdp, kafkaproducer
# Example:
# handlers = nrds,nrdp,kafkaproducer
handlers =None

# User and group to run passive checks as (Recommended to use nagios:nagios)
# Default: uid = nagios
# Default: gid = nagios
uid = nagios
gid = nagios

# Passive check interval - the amount in seconds to wait between each passive check by default,
# this can be overwritten by adding on a "|<duration>" in seconds to the passive check config
# Default: 300 (5 minutes)
sleep =300

# Passive logging file level, location, and the PID location
# Default: loglevel = info (debug, info, warning, error)
# Default: logfile = var/log/ncpa_passive.log
# Default: pidfile = var/run/ncpa_passive.pid (leave passive in pid file name)
loglevel =warning
logfile = var/log/ncpa_passive.log
pidfile = var/run/ncpa_passive.pid

# Delay passive checks from starting in seconds
# Default: 0
# delay_start = 30

# -------------------------------
# Passive Configuration (NRDP)
# -------------------------------


# Connection settings to the NRDP server
# parent = NRDP server location (ex: http://<address>/nrdp)
# token = NRDP server token used to send NRDP results
parent =
token =

# The hostname that will replace %HOSTNAME% in the check definitions and will be
# sent to NRDP with the check name as the service description (service name)
hostname =

# -------------------------------
# Passive Configuration (NRDS)
# -------------------------------



# NRDS connection information
url =
token =
config_name =
config_version =
update_config = 1
update_plugins = 1


# -------------------------------
# Passive Configuration (Kafka)
# -------------------------------

hostname = None
servers = localhost:9092
clientname = NCPA-Kafka
topic = ncpa

# -------------------------------
# Plugin Configuration
# -------------------------------

[plugin directives]

# Plugin path where all plugins will be ran from.
plugin_path = plugins/

# Plugin execution timeout in seconds. Different than the check_ncpa.py timeout, which is
# normally for network connection issues. Will return a CRITICAL value and error when the plugin
# reaches the defined max execution timeout and kills the process.
# Default: 60
# plugin_timeout = 60

# Extensions for plugins
# ----------------------
# The extension for the plugin denotes how NCPA will try to run the plugin. Use this
# for setting how you want to run the plugin in the command line.
# NOTE: Plugins without an extension will be ran in the cmdline as follows:
# $plugin_name $plugin_args
# Defaults:
# .sh = /bin/sh $plugin_name $plugin_args
# .py = python $plugin_name $plugin_args
# .ps1 = powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $plugin_name $plugin_args
# .vbs = cscript $plugin_name $plugin_args //NoLogo
# .bat = cmd /c $plugin_name $plugin_args
# Since windows NCPA is 32-bit, if you need to use 64-bit powershell, try the following for
# the powershell plugin definition:
# .ps1 = c:\windows\sysnative\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -File $plugin_name $plugin_args

# Linux / Mac OS X
.sh = /bin/sh $plugin_name $plugin_args
.py = python $plugin_name $plugin_args

# Windows
.ps1 = powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $plugin_name $plugin_args
.vbs = cscript $plugin_name $plugin_args //NoLogo
.wsf = cscript $plugin_name $plugin_args //NoLogo
.bat = cmd /c $plugin_name $plugin_args
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Re: Having issue with plugin

Post by lmiltchev »

Did you install NCPA in a custom location or modified the defaults in any way?

The reason I am asking you is because NCPA is installed under the D: drive, not C:, but more importantly, the NCPA folder is missing. Instead of this:

Code: Select all

D:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\plugins
you should have this:

Code: Select all

D:\Program Files (x86)\Nagios\NCPA\plugins
Not sure if this is going to help, but you could try providing the full path to the plugins in the ncpa.cfg, for example, you could change this:

Code: Select all

plugin_path = plugins/
to this:

Code: Select all

plugin_path = /the/full/path/to/the/plugins/
save, exit, and restart the NCPA services.
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Re: Having issue with plugin

Post by rdurga »

Turns out we had our ncpa agent installed incorrectly. Once we put the ps1 script you created into that folder it worked as expected. Thank you for your help troubleshooting this issue. We are good to close this topic.

I would like to see that script as a plugin since I haven't seen anything similar on the exchange, but I do not intend to take credit for some other persons work. Thanks again.
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Re: Having issue with plugin

Post by lmiltchev »

I am glad I could help! Thanks for the feedback!

I am closing this topic.
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