It looks like another one of the database tables has disappeared. Over the weekend, the Nagios instance with the external database (the same one we just fixed) stopped. I looked at the log file and it appears to have lost connection to the external database:
Code: Select all
[1635128468] GLOBAL SERVICE EVENT HANDLER: *****;procs;WARNING;HARD;1;xi_service_event_handler
[1635128469] wproc: GLOBAL SERVICE EVENTHANDLER job 70290 from worker Core Worker 56661 is a non-check helper but exited with return code 1
[1635128469] wproc: early_timeout=0; exited_ok=1; wait_status=256; error_code=0;
[1635128469] wproc: stdout line 01: UNABLE TO CONNECT TO DB - EXITING!
[1635128469] wproc: GLOBAL SERVICE EVENTHANDLER job 70290 from worker Core Worker 56662 is a non-check helper but exited with return code 1
[1635128469] wproc: early_timeout=0; exited_ok=1; wait_status=256; error_code=0;
[1635128469] wproc: stdout line 01: UNABLE TO CONNECT TO DB - EXITING!
[1635128469] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (3): Lost connection to MySQL server during query
[1635128469] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (4): MySQL server has gone away
[1635128469] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (5): MySQL server has gone away
[1635128469] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (37): MySQL server has gone away
[1635128469] NDO-3: Error preparing statements
[1635128469] Caught SIGSEGV, shutting down...
Attempting to restart Nagios while tailing the log file showed this:
Code: Select all
[1635167038] NDO-3: Started statechange thread
[1635167038] NDO-3: Started notification thread
[1635167038] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (5): Table 'nagios.nagios_logentries' doesn't exist
[1635167038] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (5): Table 'nagios.nagios_logentries' doesn't exist
[1635167038] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (5): Table 'nagios.nagios_logentries' doesn't exist
[1635167038] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (5): Table 'nagios.nagios_logentries' doesn't exist
[1635167038] NDO-3: Unable to prepare statement for query (5): Table 'nagios.nagios_logentries' doesn't exist
I confirmed that the nagios_logentries table was indeed missing:
Code: Select all
# mysql -h *****-u***** -p'*****' ' -e "SELECT table_name AS 'Table', round(((data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024), 2) 'Size in MB' FROM information_schema.TABLES WHERE table_schema IN ('nagios', 'nagiosql', 'nagiosxi');" | grep -E 'nagios_(logentries|notifications)|xi_(event|meta)'
nagios_notifications 369.86
xi_eventqueue 0.03
xi_events 224.77
xi_meta 3794.98
On top of that, I'm concerned that the xi_events and xi_meta tables aren't being trimmed properly still.