server exclude

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Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:27 am

server exclude

Post by tonnag »

i'm running "Nagios Core 4.4.6" and I thought I could exclude a hostname in the definition.

This works

Code: Select all

define service {
    use                     generic-service
    hostgroup_name          grp-raspbian
    service_description     ping
    check_command           check_ping!200.0,20%!600.0,60%
     check_interval          5
    retry_interval          1
But adding

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   host_name                !hass

in the block above result in an errors

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Error: Could not find any host matching '!hass' 
Error: Failed to expand host list '!hass' 
indeed there is no host named !hass but host_name hass is there. Did I miss something somewhere in excluding one host from the group in one service?

Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:27 am

Re: server exclude

Post by tonnag »

I just found

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 host_name                !*hass

Code: Select all

 host_name                !?ass
eliminate the pre-check error, but still not excludes the server from the service check
placing the wildcard not directly after the exclamation mark but anywhere else, results in an error during pre-check
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Sep 06, 2018 2:27 am

Re: server exclude

Post by tonnag »

Well, ended up building a test machine from scratch. The "!" stops functioning when

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reset to zero and off we go