Notifications showing $ instead of value

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Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by aziegler »


I have a fairly new and unmodified NagiosXI installation running that I am setting up for a few cases. Most things are working and I am just going through all configuration steps.

However, the notifications for the services look weird. While the notifications for host alerts look fine, the notifications for services don't show the service name or the service state, only "$", so basically they look like this:

***** Nagios Monitor XI Alert *****

Notification Type: RECOVERY

Service: $
Host: <<correct name>>
Address: <<correct address>>
State: $

Date/Time: Fri Apr 12 09:46:45 CEST 2024

Additional Info:


From my point of view, the value for service name should be filled out as I filled out "config name", "description" and "display name". I didn't modify the notification template or the standard states, so it seems I am missing something. Can anyone point me to it please? Many thanks!
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by danderson »

Thanks for reaching out @aziegler,

Is this happening for all services or just a select few? Can you send some examples of the what the service names are? Lastly, what version of XI and which linux distro are you on?
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by aziegler »

Hello danderson, thanks for replying.

This is currently happening for all services, but for none of the host-messages. I find that a bit weird since I didn't configure them any differently.

I am using XI-version 2024R1.0.2
The linux distro is Ubuntu.

One service that is affected by this has roughly these values (a bit changed for anonymity reasons), and the others are similar:

Config Name:
Description: content check
Display name: content check

I was hoping that one of these would get picked up as name instead of "$".
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by danderson »

How are your email settings in XI configured? I'm wondering if you are using sendmail, SMTP, or Oauth2
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by aziegler »

I am using SMTP. We have a company SMTP, so that's basically the no-alternative-way for me. In principle, email-sending does work - as said, mails are sent and the HOST-messages look fine. It's just the service-messages that are bugged.
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by danderson »

If you go to Account Settings -> Notification Options -> Notification Messages, what does your service alert message look like? Mine looks like this:

Code: Select all

***** Nagios XI Alert *****


Notification Type: %type%

Service: %service%
Host: %host%
Address: %hostaddress%
State: %servicestate%
Date/Time: %datetime%

Respond: %responseurl%
Nagios URL: %xiserverurl%
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by aziegler »

They look exactly the same down to the last character.
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by danderson »

This seems like a bug and I can't seem to replicate it, you might get some better luck opening a ticket with the Nagios Support Team at because they can do a more in depth analysis
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Re: Notifications showing $ instead of value

Post by aziegler »

OK, thanks, I will try that
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