Trouble with Status Maps

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Trouble with Status Maps

Post by brownch »

Trying to understand what's wrong with my install of core and how maps are displayed. I just migrated away from a CentOS to a RHEL server. Everything appears to be working how it used to aside from the maps. On the sidebar it just say "map" no (Legacy). The map options that are displayed when you click "map" are the legacy version. Any ideas ? This is a fresh install of 4.5.3 , and the config files came from a running server.
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Re: Trouble with Status Maps

Post by danderson »

Thanks for reaching out @brownch,

Up until 4.5.2, we had a few pages in the interface that were relying on AngularJS (not the modern framework, but the one from the early 2010s). A user reported that several of the javascript dependencies in this project were out of date and showing on their vulnerability scanners. Given that there isn't a supported version of AngularJS anymore, we had the option to either rewrite the page (either in Angular or in another modern framework), or to remove the pages and update the links to point to the CGI version of the page.
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Re: Trouble with Status Maps

Post by markbeaven »

Thanks for the detailed explaination. Is there any plan to develop a more modern maps using a supported framework in the future? I am prepared to hold out for a while if there's a plan because we're limiting our exposure to internal network, but can't long-term.
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Re: Trouble with Status Maps

Post by danderson »

You can try holding out with 4.5.2, but currently there isn't a plan to create a new maps page with a new framework.
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