2024R1.1.5 Linux NCPA add not working, ssl issue?

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Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:08 pm

2024R1.1.5 Linux NCPA add not working, ssl issue?

Post by amunter »

I migrated to a new Nagios server and my Linux hosts monitored immediately started giving me errors about completing the SSL handshake.

I tried to add a new Linux host with a newly downloaded version of the ncpa server and the wizard won't add it. The wizard just says "Unable to contact server..." but if I do it manually I get a success message with my token on that port after accepting the SSL certificate in Chrome.

The "Do not verify SSL certificate" checkbox in the wizard is checked, but I don't believe it is doing anything. If I uncheck it and again try to hit Next it checks itself back again and again can't contact the server.

Any idea? I think this 2024R1.1.5 keeps wanting to check SSL certs.
Posts: 33
Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2018 1:08 pm

Re: 2024R1.1.5 Linux NCPA add not working, ssl issue?

Post by amunter »

False alarm. I had gone through my normal CIS secure config playbook and it seemed to work after that, but enabling selinux stops the wizard from being able to add a new host.
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