PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

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PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by tim620 »

Are PHP 8.3 and 8.4 compatible or supported with Nagios XI? Active support for 8.1 ended a year ago. We would like to upgrade to PHP 8.3 or 8.4 (8.4 just came out last month).

There are instructions out there for upgrading to PHP 7 for Nagios XI, But nothing about upgrading to PHP 8, 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, or 8.4. And not word if it is compatible with Nagios XI or supported.

At the very least, can you tell me if PHP 8.3 and 8.4 are supported with the latest versions of Nagios XI?

In order to keep up with security compliance, we need to be on a supported version of PHP. Nagios doesn't seem to care about supported versions of PHP.
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Re: PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by jsimon »

Hi @tim620,

Nagios XI works with PHP 8, up to version 8.3. Nagios policy for this is that we support the PHP version that ships with supported distros of Linux.
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Re: PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by tim620 »

Thanks for confirming that Nagios XI works with PHP 8.3. Will my Nagios XI be supported if I upgrade PHP to 8.3?

...and yes, I realize that I need to use the "remi-" repos for PHP 8.3.

The problem with the "Nagios policy" is that the Linux distros themselves, do not always come with supported versions of PHP.
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Re: PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by jsimon »

Nagios does not support the upgrade process for PHP, however doing this yourself will not remove your ability to obtain support for your Nagios XI installation.

In the event that errors related to the upgrade occur, our official support stance would be to advise a fresh installation on an up to date Linux distro that ships with a version of PHP that meets your security needs, and perform a migration to move your data and configuration over.
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Re: PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by DoubleDoubleA »

Hi @tim620,

If you upgrade an XI system to php 8.3 on RHEL 9, which supports up to php 8.2 (which still has two years until EOL), then no, that is not supported. Ubuntu 24 will get you to 8.3. I don't know that any distro officially supports 8.4 yet. If your distro doesn't support a supported version of php, it might be time to consider upgrading distros.

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Re: PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by tim620 »


You are right. I should have checked before I wrote about the "unsupported PHP". We are currently running our Nagios XI on Oracle Linux 9 and our Nagios Log servers on Oracle Linux 8. I just checked and both versions now come with PHP 8.2. At some point we switched to the "remi" repos for PHP, because the included PHP wasn't new enough. But, that might have been last year, prior to migrating from CentOS 7 to Oracle Linux 9. We are still using the "remi" repos for PHP.
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Re: PHP 8.3 or 8.4?

Post by jmichaelson »

Even at that, I'd still recommend using the OS supported PHP versions as opposed to the remi repository versions if you're able. While those repos may work perfectly well (for instance, the Sury repos for Debian are maintained by the package manager responsible for the official Debian packages), they have been known to cause other headaches at times, particularly after a long chain of upgrades. See, for example this post: viewtopic.php?t=75974.
Please let us know if you have any other questions or concerns.

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