Nagios Distributed Monotoring for Windows Servers??

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Nagios Distributed Monotoring for Windows Servers??

Post by a31modela »

Hello All,

I want to start monitoring some windows servers with Nagios Core 3 and was wondering if I installed the NSClient on a single windows server, lets call it server1, and then run remote scripts from server1 to other servers and have the results come back to a nagios check on server1. Thinking on using a single windows server in a sort of distributed monitoring scheme.

I realize that the results coming back would have to have some " creative " info so I would know what server is having an issue. Anyone done something like this? Is it worth the trouble as opposed to putting the NSClient on all of the windows servers?

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Re: Nagios Distributed Monotoring for Windows Servers??

Post by slansing »

You can forward NRPE results to a central NSClient++ "server" yes, it is quite experimental however, I would definitely look into that before dabbling in it: