Multiple Usernames and Passwords in Service Checks

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Multiple Usernames and Passwords in Service Checks

Post by aBill »

I need to use multiple user names and passwords in order to get data from some of our servers. The resource.cfg file has $USERx$ etc but if I use that then I'll need to have an equal number of commands.cfg set up with those. That would make the commands.cfg file extremely large and a pain to update. How do I use multiple usernames and passwords in the checks?

Below are examples of what is already in place.


# check temperature
define command{
command_name check_esx_temperature
command_line $USER1$/ -H $HOSTADDRESS$ -u $USER2$ -p $USER4$ -l runtime -s temperature -w $ARG1$ -c $ARG2$

define host{
use linux_host
host_name esxi_host
alias esxi_host
contact_groups admins
hostgroups vmware-esxi

What do I need to add to allow multiple user names and passwords to use the same commands?

Thank you for your time.
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Joined: Mon Nov 19, 2012 12:10 pm

Re: Multiple Usernames and Passwords in Service Checks

Post by sreinhardt »

With some plugins you might be able to specify credentials using a flat file instead. Otherwise arguments and user macros are about the only way to do this. Since you cannot use a macro within a macro (ie: $ARG1$=$USER4$) and get them to expand properly, you're kind of in a tricky situation. I suppose you could make custom macros within the host\service and add credentials there then call $_HOSTUSERNAME$ or something similar. But you still run into having to put lots of credentials in at least every host\hostgroup.
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