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[Nagios-devel] convertcfg and newtemplatedefitions

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2001 8:52 pm
by Guest
I came form netsaint 0.0.6, now using Nagios 1.0a0 October 31, 2001 I
tried to move to the template-based definitions for objects, but there
is a lack of templates so before writing a lot, by hand,
I tried to use convertcfg supplied in the contrib dir; I was surpriesed
to see that this program can't be compiled on my monitoring host !
So I discovered that the strsep is not supported by my compiler or
system librarys
GNU CPP version 2.95.3 20010315 (release) (sparc)
on SunOs 5.7
After digging a bit, I moved the function my_strsep from utils.c inside
convertcfg.c and renaming every reference of strsep to my_strsep
It works !

I started to convert old config files, and rebuilding in the new
template definition style
but I was surprised that every line begging with
define command{
define timeperiod{
define host{
and so ... generates the following

Error ..... ..... .... (Could not parse input)

(dots stays for config file and line number containing define directive)

Is template based system described and still not working in this
release or do I miss something in the configuration/building of nagios ?

Massimiliano Balsamo

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