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my 1st test run

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 9:07 am
by chris
First off, what a great start for this new product. My compliments!

Most stuff that got my attention had to do with usability, maybe some suggestions in there as well. Some suggestions that might improve these items and some bugs i came across. Here is my drop-list.

I tried to get some logic into it, but here you go.

Tested it using :
Browser : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091016 Firefox/3.5.4
OS : Windows 7.
VM running inside : VMWare Player 3.0.0 build-203739

HOME > My Dashboard.
- Arrow (pin function) in the dashlets are not very intuitive, and responds rather slow.
- A "Auto align dashlets" would be a nice feature when you added new dashlets.
- Maybe introduce an "auto-collapse" when changing catagories in the main tree instead of "scroll bars". Open one, closes the other.
- Configuration Tasks should maybe include the additional generic settings like "hostgroups / services / service groups / users / notification etc" ?
- Manual/Step-by-Step Task for setting up your own "wizard" ?

VMWare Image / Settings
- Floppy drive is still enabled in the image, is there a specific reason for this?
- Sizing, is the designated partition of 7GiB enough to store all the performance data of a #node large network
- Is there a matrix of nodes/services versus storage req? for capacity planning goals?
- 2 Errors in net-SNMP configuration (dhcp related?)
- VM-tools Thinprint support still enabled (tpvmlpd) that eventually aborts (see messages log)
- Disable X in INIT 5?

Generic Dashlets
- Blend-in / blend-out effect sometimes very slow, effect looks like an disabled dashlet/dashboard. (firefox)
- Wouldnt a Status update inside the command issuing dashlet be a bit clearer instead of a new popup fading-in and fading-out?
- Maybe add an additional click when enabling / disabling specific settings in dashlets, so "click mistakes" are less likely.
- Generic dashlets are very slow to respond.
- Grayedout background layer when editing specifics like "Add Dashboard" (know where to focus) could be an addition. ... shlets.php
- XI System Component Status, The Configuration icon under "action" shows "action" as description, shouldnt this be and actual 'action' ?
- Setting for the configuration snapshots 'backlog number'? or is there a rotation defined allready?
- Ethan, did you realy wanted to become a dashlet? :P

- NSClient++.msi
- NRPE as default configuration option?
- How to configure this, or maybe generate the config? (I know but does the world?)
- 64 / 32 Bit selection?
- Very "loose" configuration, chance of failure where next,next,working/finished is expected?
- Add rpms for various linux distros (NRPE daemon?).
- Create a generic linux / windows command approach (generate config?)

- Rotation speed Slider in "Views" isnt very intuitive, The highes speed almost makes it look like the browser is messed up (has a fun factor though :P).
- Unable to select text in the field when editing the view under "Views"
- Whats the purpose of editing the URL of the views?
- Edit "URL" field in the edit view option in views isnt correct,it has a double // in there "nagiosxi//includes/"
- Option generic doesnt seem to do anything?
- Deleting a view
- Isnt there a view browser? You need to remember the urls to get the views back?
- Creating a view
- After copy/pasting the view URL from the Home tree, the url is altered again including the double // in the address.

- When performing an external command the display is very slow at times, it almost looks like the 'done' button isnt responding.

Re: my 1st test run

Posted: Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:02 am
by chris
The machine hostname could be also set using the first startup

Code: Select all

exec("sudo \"echo '        $hostname.$domain.$ext' >> /etc/hosts\"");
Or something like that, manually could also be an option though :)