[Nagios-devel] missing service checks (was: status.cgi and check time)

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[Nagios-devel] missing service checks (was: status.cgi and check time)

Post by Guest »

Hi again,

On Wed, 21 May 2003, Wolfgang Rosenauer wrote:

> sorry, if this problem was discussed before on this list, but
> is it known that the check-times in status.cgi are not the newest
> check-times?
> Means that the most timestamps are not the latest ones according to
> status.log.

please ignore this.
It turned out that the CGI is right. Nagios didn't check this services
according to status.log.
So it seems that Nagios doesn't run some checks, although it should be
In our latest example it checked a service at 00:20 and schedules the next
check at 00:23. But now we have 07:00 and the check didn't run.

At this time I cannot say why does this happen.
Any ideas?



This post was automatically imported from historical nagios-devel mailing list archives
Original poster: stark@suse.de