[Nagios-devel] Re: Nsca, passive service checks

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[Nagios-devel] Re: Nsca, passive service checks

Post by Guest »

On Thu, Mar 20, 2003 at 12:08:10PM -0800, Bernd.Stroessenreuther wrote
> Hi Stefano,
> excuse me: Wath's new at Your script?
> What can I do with Your script, what check_by_ssh is not able to do?

Good question!

With check_by_ssh you can connect to a remote host via ssh
to execute a plugin and get the result.
So, to execute a test on a remote host you need to connect to it.
If you cannot connect you cannot test!

With my perl scripts
you can execute the tests directly on the remote hosts,
storing the tests results on a buffer. Then you can connect
via ssh to get all the results, and pass them to Nagios.

My perl scripts advantages over check_by_ssh:
1) remote tests are executed also if nagios server can not contact
the remote hosts, and all the results are kept;
2) with only one ssh connection you get all the results;

My perl scripts disadvantages over check_by_ssh:
1) complexity;
2) Nagios server only accepts passive results, and cannot decide
execution frequency;


> Freundliche Gr=FC=DFe
> i. A. Bernd Str=F6=DFenreuther
> -------------------------------------------------------------
> Sparda-Datenverarbeitung eG
> Server-Prozessmanagement / eBIS
> Freiligrathstra=DFe 32, 90482 N=FCrnberg
> Tel: 0911 / 54 86-802
> Fax: 0911 / 54 86-177
> mailto:bernd.stroessenreuther@spb.de
> Hi,
> here you can find some Perl script I wrote to execute nagios
> checks (execute the plugins) on a remote host, storing results in a
> buf=
> fer,
> fetching results via ssh, and sending them to Nagios.
> http://www.ubicum.it/nagios_remote_test_execution.tgz
> The programs are not well documented, probably they are not compliant
> with Perl modules writing rules, and finally they are part of another
> bigger job, so they contain some dead code and misleading comments,
> but they work well in my environment (Linux, HP-UX, Solaris).
> Sorry for that!
> If you need help or if you want send me your comments or suggestions,
> do not hesitate to contact me, at stefano.giuliano@tiscali.it.
> Bye
> Stefano

This post was automatically imported from historical nagios-devel mailing list archives
Original poster: stefano.giuliano@tiscali.it