Re: [Nagios-devel] Nagios Support Suggestions

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Re: [Nagios-devel] Nagios Support Suggestions

Post by Guest »

Karl DeBisschop wrote:

> > 3.) Support to Monitor Microsoft SQL Server databases
> You can check the TCP port. There may be limits on what else you can do
> until M$ releases a GPL API. But I have heard anther DBMS (sybase
> maybe?) uses the same API.
> You could possible craft a check with perl DBI

Up until SQL Server 7, Microsoft officially supported Sybase client
software. So you could download the Sybase client, and connect to MS
SQL. With TDS version 8.0 (and legacy support for version 7.0) in SQL
2000, compatibility with Sybase client was broken. However, you can
use the Freetds libraries instead.

So here's what I've done to have a way to connect to both SQL 7 and
SQL 2000:

1) Download and install freetds from
2) Download and install sqsh from
3) export SYBASE=/usr/local/freetds (or where ever your freetds is

Now you can use sqsh to connect to your MS SQL:

sqsh -S servername -U username

You're now ready to script your own plugins based on the output you
get from your queries. Works great.

If someone is really interested to write a Perl plugin, you can find
more info on on how to use a
Perl module for this (DBD::Sybase). This paper is written for SQL 7
and the Sybase libraries. But with the info I gave above, it should be
possible to use SQL 2000 with the freetds libraries as well.

I'll add this to the FAQ's.

For internal use I've written a few Bash plugins that check whether:

1) all Maintenance plans (backups, integrity checks,...) on an MS SQL
server have succeeded.
2) no processes are being deadlocked.
3) no backup processes are running during production hours.
4) no DBCC is running during production hours.

I personally don't think these are such a big deal and rather Linux
(Bash) specific, so I haven't posted them in the contrib...

Kind regards,

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