[Nagios-devel] Status for a whole business process

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[Nagios-devel] Status for a whole business process

Post by Guest »

Hello out there,

I'm looking for something I did not find yet in nagios:

We are already watching about 200 services on about 100 hosts in nagios=
. We
use the web interface at the moment only for administrators.
For the future we plan to use it also in the call center, were customer=
call when they have problems.
For this type of use we would need a new view in the web interface to s=
the state of a whole business process.

Let me explain:
A business process is a product that our customer sees.
e. g. for a special business pocess (let's say a web application) to wo=
correct we need the internet connection to work, the webserver task has=
run, the application server, the database and a DNS server must also be=

All the single components are already monitored by nagios.

We think about a view in the web interface, where you can see a
red/yellow/green state for each defined business processes. The status
should be "ok" if every component is ok, if at least one component is
"warning", the state of the business process should be yellow, and if a=
least one is "critical" it should be red.

Some special hints:
a component can be used in many business processes. (e. g. the internet=

line is important for every)
some components are redundant. Its ok, if even one is in ok state (e. g=
DNS servers are redundant. If at least one is funktional, it's enough f=
the business process to work well)

Has someone already built something like that?
Even if it would cover only a part of the points, it would help.

Freundliche Gr=FC=DFe
Bernd Str=F6=DFenreuther

Sparda-Datenverarbeitung eG
Server-Prozessmanagement / eBIS
Freiligrathstra=DFe 32, 90482 N=FCrnberg
Tel: 0911 / 54 86-802
Fax: 0911 / 54 86-177

This post was automatically imported from historical nagios-devel mailing list archives
Original poster: ernd.Stroessenreuther@spb.d