[Nagios-devel] Hanging services - no checks

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[Nagios-devel] Hanging services - no checks

Post by Guest »

Hello nagios developer.

We notify a strange behavior of nagios on our system, witch
seriously downgrade the usability of nagios for monitoring critical
systems. We use nagios in the current version 1.0 on HPUX 11i.

Under some circumstances nagios forgets to check some services. This
behavior occurs seldom, but if it occurs, the hanging services remain in
the unchecked state until the next restart of nagios.

We have detected, that the "Next Scheduled Active Check" time of all such
"hanging" services lies in the past. We assume, the problem is caused by
the kind of deciding whether a service should be checked or not.

Of course, if the "Next Scheduled Active Check" time is in the future, the
service should not be checked. However, service checks scheduled for the
past should be checked immediately.

Maybe there is an "==" operator instead of "<=" operator, or the time
difference calculated is not handled as negative integer?

best regards
Damian Lusiewicz
| |
| knipp | Knipp Medien und Kommunikation GmbH
------- Technologiepark
Martin-Schmeisser-Weg 9
D-44227 Dortmund
Dipl.-Inform. Damian Lusiewicz Fon: 0231-9703-0

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Original poster: nagios-devel@dl.knipp.de