[Nagios-devel] Support quoting vertical bar (|) character in plugin

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[Nagios-devel] Support quoting vertical bar (|) character in plugin

Post by Guest »

It's possible for a plugin to have a vertical bar (|) character in its regular output. For example, I've seen cases where check_logfiles does this when there is a '|' in /var/log/messages. Nagios interprets anything after the '|' as performance data, so all of the plugin output doesn't get reported and performance data for that point in time is corrupt.

It seems that (and correct me if I'm wrong) Nagios doesn't support a way to escape '|' in plugin output. If it did, the author of any such plugin could escape any '|' characters in the regular output.

If this is true, I'll request this enhancement on tracker.nagios.org.

Thanks in advance!


This post was automatically imported from historical nagios-devel mailing list archives
Original poster: jrwinkle@wisc.edu