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[Nagios-devel] Nagios bugs

Posted: Tue May 14, 2002 1:57 pm
by Guest
Good day,

I'm presently trying to get nagios up and running. It's finally up and ..
sort of running. We have a few bugs to report, though. The documentation
indicated that this list was the proper location to report on bugs for the
core of nagios.

- The .spec file improperly lists the "old" Netsaint sample configuration
files instead of the new Nagios files. In fact, one file ("command.cfg", I
believe) no longer exists, which causes the entire RPM build to fail.

- The nagios-httpd.conf file improperly lists the .cgi directory as
"/usr/libexec/nagios/cgi/". They are actually installed in
"/usr/lib/nagios/cgi/", of course.

- The spec file doesn't contain the perl script file (for embedded
perl). I am not using it yet, but the spec file should be changed to
install it (a name change is probably in order, too). I noted as well that
the location that nagios expected this file to be in, was not what appeared
to be the configured location.

$ grep -r *
common/ P1LOC
common/locations.h:#define P1LOC

When nagios starts up, it looks for it in /usr/sbin , for some reason.

# /etc/init.d/nagios start
Starting network monitor: nagios
Can't open perl script "/usr/sbin/": No such file or directory

The former location seems to be proper.

Could fixes be put into CVS for these?

I'll continue plugging away at it in the meantime...


Darren Gamble
Planner, Regional Services
Shaw Cablesystems GP
630 - 3rd Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 4L4
(403) 781-4948

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