[Nagios-devel] Bluesky hostgroup idea

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[Nagios-devel] Bluesky hostgroup idea

Post by Guest »

One feature of BMC Patrol that I thought was nice was allowing each
user to group the monitored objects how they wanted them, so a DBA
could have a different view to a sysadmin and a network engineer. Each
selecting the things that they were interested in.

So instead of making the hostgroup of a host hardcoded in the config,
make it selectable per user. This does mean that you will need to store
each users hostgroup selection somewhere and have a method for editing
the selection.

A simpler mechanism, although not as good but far easier to do, would
be to have a static view based on the contactgroup, requiring an edit
to a config file to change the view.

Also allowing multiple levels would be another nice feature. So, for
example, you could set up a group for database boxes, within which you
have a group for oracle boxes and another for mysql boxes, and within
each of those groups a group for each of the hosts and then for each
host a group for database related checks and another group for system
checks, and so on.

Dougal Scott Connect Internet Solutions
dwagon@connect.com.au 9/114 Albert Rd
Senior Systems Administrator South Melbourne, Australia, 3205

This post was automatically imported from historical nagios-devel mailing list archives
Original poster: dwagon@connect.com.au