sreinhardt wrote:It seems like you've jumbled a couple possibly related issues together in one thread here, so let's start by clearing up exactly what is happening and what you are looking for.
1) You had snmp v1 or v2 working previously, with the check_snmp_storage plugin, but after attempting to switch v3 it does not appear to be working with the plugin.
Have you verified via the snmpwalk that the oid for storage devices is the same from the previous version to the current version of snmp that you are using? I know that especially from 1-2 or 1-3 there are definitely changes that may be present.
2) You are having issues with procurve switches?
Also a side note, normally we do not support things such as FAN or the other product you are using, as they do not install in standard directories, have different or modified plugins, and generally control things in alternative ways. We will try to help, as a fair warning, at some point we may ask that you check with the respective community that this project is from.
I understand for the support of the respective community, this is why i'm mainly trying to focus on the Nagios Part and avoid any talk on the other product,
.The problem is i did go to the right community and no one has done snmp v3 before on this particular program.
That's the thing i am not sure i understand the concept of OIDs completely, i know that they are the leaves of snmp, they contain important information from the manufacturers of the product and the rfc reference, but i'm not sure i understand their use in plugins for nagios. (Forgive me again, i'm still a student).
I did however find the information on the plugin, as depicted in the image below
But i do not understand why it would change when i installed snmp v3, i thought that i simply had to change the syntax of my commands.
However i do realized that base on the nagios.manubulon website that the check_storage command is not necessarily supported by procurve switches.
So i tried a simple command like ./ . First when i was in snmp v1, i would have a command like "./ -H -C public" and it would list me the interfaces but when i try it with the snmp v3 syntax "./ -H -user -x AUTH-PASS -X ENCRYPT-PASS -L md5,aes".
Should i indeed check inside the plugin and get more information on the changes that might of happened?, has anyone sucesfully monitor procurve switches with snmp v3?
The rest i know i have to find myself as a student, i am not asking for you guys to do my learning, just point me in the right direction. Thank you again
UPDATE : Doing a little of research i found out there a few commands which are not supported by snmp v3 on HP procurve, at least it's what i seem to have understood.
So i decide to go back to snmp v2c and configure it on restricted for better security.
Thank you for the hint about OID. I found some commands compatible with HP Procurve, I am now getting data correctly.
This is the website where i found the commands : ... ve/details
This is an example of one of my switches, i know i still have to fix some things but it's already a good start.
Again thank you for the hints, i try to find most of the information by myself, even if it's hard but sometimes it's not so bad to ask more experienced users
"Les peuples ne devraient pas avoir peur de leurs gouvernements. Les gouvernements devraient avoir peur du peuple"