issue alert email once

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issue alert email once

Post by derekchung_8080 »

I am new to Nagios , I have a question about the configuration .

Now , I configed the alert mail will be sent to admin a/c when it found the error ( every 20 minutes ) , if I would like the alert mail only send one time , that mean it only send once it found the error rather than frequently send , would advise what can I do ?

Another question , if the above configuration only apply to a specify group of servers , for example , only five specific servers apply the above configuration , the other servers still send every 20 minutes , would advise what can I do ? thanks
Red Shirt
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Re: issue alert email once

Post by abrist »

derekchung_8080 wrote:Now , I configed the alert mail will be sent to admin a/c when it found the error ( every 20 minutes ) , if I would like the alert mail only send one time , that mean it only send once it found the error rather than frequently send , would advise what can I do ?
This can be accomplished by setting the notification_interval directive in either the host or service definitions to 0. Doing this tells Nagios not to resend notifications for the same event. This option is also present in host and service escalation definitions.
derekchung_8080 wrote:Another question , if the above configuration only apply to a specify group of servers , for example , only five specific servers apply the above configuration , the other servers still send every 20 minutes , would advise what can I do ? thanks
Set the notification_interval setting on a template and only apply that template to those hosts/services.
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