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Highcharts Suggestion - Include UOM in reading popup, digits

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 4:42 pm
by Box293
It would be helpful to see the Unit of Measurement (UOM) next to the value. This becomes more usefull when the service has multiple datasources.

Also, I think the numbers displayed should be cut to two decimal places.
This service has six data sources:
  • Read Rate and Write Rate are using Bps
    Read Latency and Write Latency are using us
    Number of Reads and Number of Writes do not have a UOM
So using my two suggestions the popup would appear like:
  • Read Rate: 12,288 Bps
    Write Rate: 252,006.4 Bps
    Number of Reads: 8
    Number of Writes: 309.63
    Read Latency: 966.66 us
    Write Latency: 1,000 us
Also, it would look really nice if the popup contents were aligned in the center, like: