NRDP Setup

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NRDP Setup

Post by spacemanspiff »

I've followed the guides for setting up NRDP, but I'm a little confused.

http://server.ip/nrdp works, and allows me to submit commands and data.

Calling (from here) or send_nrdp.php from the command line doesn't do anything but provide an output from PHP illustrating commands that can be run.

One of the reasons for this could be that I'm unsure of exactly how I should be calling the script - either at the CLI or from Nagios itself. I'd love for this to be clarified.

Additionally to being unable to get the script to shoot check data to a remote server, I'm unable to see where the data is meant to go. Should I create host configurations that just don't have any checks, assuming they'll be populated by NRDP? If I make something up with well-formed XML and submit it at http://server.ip/nrdp/, I'll get confirmation but nothing appears on the server. This, I assume, is because I need to define hosts and services?

I'd be happy to also be pointed toward a proper how-to guide for this. It seems somewhat lacking? (I've read the PDF.)

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Re: NRDP Setup

Post by lmiltchev »

I'll get confirmation but nothing appears on the server. This, I assume, is because I need to define hosts and services?
That is correct. In Nagios XI, when the checks are received from the client, you can see them in the Unconfigured Objects and can easily configure them.
In Nagios Core, you will need to set up the host, and services manually, enable passive checks, etc.
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Re: NRDP Setup

Post by spacemanspiff »

lmiltchev wrote:
I'll get confirmation but nothing appears on the server. This, I assume, is because I need to define hosts and services?
That is correct. In Nagios XI, when the checks are received from the client, you can see them in the Unconfigured Objects and can easily configure them.
In Nagios Core, you will need to set up the host, and services manually, enable passive checks, etc.
OK, thanks. Any ideas on sending the data over to the main server?
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Re: NRDP Setup

Post by scottwilkerson »

You can use a setup like this to send the results to the main server ... 144#p29144

However, you will have to setup the host and service objects on the main server for them to display, otherwise it will just log that it received a result for a missing object
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