customize alert

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customize alert

Post by bayupermadi »

Hi There,

I've used nagios for about 1 year and its help me much in monitoring my services, databases, and web application. Now I've got question from my colleague, can nagios send alert through syslog?

As far as I know the alert sent by email using SMTP and sms. Since he using another monitoring tool and he need collect also the data from nagios, is there any plguin that can I use?

I'm talking about the integration. Here is the schema :
servers ---> Monitored by Nagios ---> send alert with syslog ---> Another Tools Monitoring ---> send alert to the Administrator.

I've google to get explanation but there is no explanation about this.
Thank you for answering my question.
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Re: customize alert

Post by tgriep »

There is a setting in the nagios.cfg file called use_syslog which logs all of the nagios events to the /var/log/messages log file. By default it is enabled.
Could you use that with your other monitoring tool to retrieve that data and send the alerts that way?

Link to the description of the use_syslog setting. ... use_syslog
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