wproc and iocache_capacity problem

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Joined: Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:29 am

wproc and iocache_capacity problem

Post by mrudolf »


I am having problems with running nagios, every time the process is killed after +-10 minutes since it was started.

This is in the log file:

-Process is killed-
[19-08-2015 10:21:50] wproc: Socket to worker Core Worker 18036 broken, removing
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:21:50] wproc: iocache_capacity() is 0 for worker Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:21:39] wproc: Job with id '2773' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:21:35] wproc: Job with id '2775' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:21:35] wproc: Job with id '2774' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:21:35] wproc: Socket to worker Core Worker 18033 broken, removing
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:21:35] wproc: iocache_capacity() is 0 for worker Core Worker 18033.
some checks
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:38] wproc: Job with id '183' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:38] wproc: Job with id '185' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:38] wproc: Job with id '184' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
some checks
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:36] wproc: Job with id '187' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:36] wproc: Job with id '184' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
some checks
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:35] wproc: Job with id '186' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:33] wproc: Job with id '185' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:32] wproc: Job with id '186' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:32] wproc: Socket to worker Core Worker 18034 broken, removing
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:32] wproc: iocache_capacity() is 0 for worker Core Worker 18034.
some checks
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:23] wproc: Job with id '125' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:21] wproc: Job with id '128' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Job with id '126' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Job with id '126' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Job with id '127' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18036.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Job with id '126' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18034.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Job with id '127' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18034.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Job with id '127' doesn't exist on Core Worker 18033.
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: Socket to worker Core Worker 18035 broken, removing
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:10:17] wproc: iocache_capacity() is 0 for worker Core Worker 18035.
some checks
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:20] Successfully launched command file worker with pid 18583
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] Warning: Contact 'null' has no host notification time period defined!
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] Warning: Contact 'null' has no service notification time period defined!
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 18033;pid=18033
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 18034;pid=18034
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 18035;pid=18035
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] wproc: Registry request: name=Core Worker 18036;pid=18036
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] wproc: Successfully registered manager as @wproc with query handler
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] nerd: Fully initialized and ready to rock!
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] nerd: Channel opathchecks registered successfully
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] nerd: Channel servicechecks registered successfully
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] nerd: Channel hostchecks registered successfully
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] qh: core query handler registered
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] qh: Socket '/usr/local/nagios/var/rw/nagios.qh' successfully initialized
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] LOG VERSION: 2.0
Informational Message[19-08-2015 10:09:19] Local time is Wed Aug 19 10:09:19 CEST 2015
Program Start[19-08-2015 10:09:19] Nagios 4.1.0 starting... (PID=18023)

This problem was present on Nagios 4.0.8, I tried to upgrade to 4.1.0 but it didn't help.

Service is running on a VM with 8GB RAM + 12GB Swap.

I found related problem on http://tracker.nagios.org/view.php?id=504 , it is however marked as fixed.

Can anyone advise?
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Joined: Mon Sep 23, 2013 8:40 am

Re: wproc and iocache_capacity problem

Post by tmcdonald »

What OS and version is this on?
Former Nagios employee