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squid proxy dies?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 9:21 am
by ggonzalez
HI, I'm trying to set up a squid proxy to test some nagios proxy issues.

However squid dies with:

2017/04/07 09:12:41| Accepting HTTP Socket connections at local=[::]:3128 remote=[::] FD 12 flags=9
2017/04/07 09:12:42| logfileHandleWrite: daemon:/var/log/squid/access.log: error writing ((32) Broken pipe)

There are quite a few other folks looking for a solution to this when I google, but no joy.

The path to that file is fine, I can write to it as root and as squid.

Any ideas?



Re: squid proxy dies?

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2017 10:56 am
by ggonzalez
Okay, I think I see what happens... If you don't strictly follow the install instructions and do yum clean and yum update BEFORE doing the yum install squid, there is a chance the squid files get created with the wrong owners, like "23". Doing the steps as mentioned, things work swell.