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WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:05 pm
by cwscribner
Hi all.

Any thoughts on what this error means: UNKNOWN: Could not retrieve all required data. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:27 pm
by scottwilkerson
I would need a little more context...

What call are you making?

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:35 pm
by cwscribner
Its a CPU Usage call with WMI. The CPU Usage call is the only one that's showing this error on the device. However, there are also other devices showing this same error. Here's the error stack that is shown when I click on the service.

Code: Select all

INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 6 in pid 6640 (4.0.0alpha3-GIT-UNKNOWN)
Please read the file BUGS.txt in the distribution
PANIC: internal error
BACKTRACE: 20 stack frames:
#0 /usr/bin/wmic(call_backtrace+0x2b) [0x85f15a3]
#1 /usr/bin/wmic(smb_panic+0x266) [0x85f18dd]
#2 /usr/bin/wmic [0x85f1a78]
#3 /usr/bin/wmic(fault_setup+0) [0x85f1aad]
#4 [0x539420]
#5 /lib/ [0x1d2701]
#6 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b167]
#7 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b23c]
#8 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b447]
#9 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b794]
#10 /usr/bin/wmic(talloc_named_const+0x1f) [0x863c476]
#11 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_WbemQualifiers+0x194) [0x80b9431]
#12 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_WbemClass+0x26b) [0x80bbd82]
#13 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_DataWithStack+0xd3) [0x80b97f0]
#14 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_WbemClassObject+0x30b) [0x80bacaf]
#15 /usr/bin/wmic(WBEMDATA_Parse+0xef6) [0x80b7693]
#16 /usr/bin/wmic(IEnumWbemClassObject_SmartNext+0x4e7) [0x80b7dc5]
#17 /usr/bin/wmic(main+0x50b) [0x80b45cf]
#18 /lib/ [0x1bde9c]
#19 /usr/bin/wmic [0x80b3a91]
INTERNAL ERROR: Signal 6 in pid 7766 (4.0.0alpha3-GIT-UNKNOWN)
Please read the file BUGS.txt in the distribution
PANIC: internal error
BACKTRACE: 20 stack frames:
#0 /usr/bin/wmic(call_backtrace+0x2b) [0x85f15a3]
#1 /usr/bin/wmic(smb_panic+0x266) [0x85f18dd]
#2 /usr/bin/wmic [0x85f1a78]
#3 /usr/bin/wmic(fault_setup+0) [0x85f1aad]
#4 [0x1dd420]
#5 /lib/ [0x70c701]
#6 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b167]
#7 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b23c]
#8 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b447]
#9 /usr/bin/wmic [0x863b794]
#10 /usr/bin/wmic(talloc_named_const+0x1f) [0x863c476]
#11 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_WbemQualifiers+0x194) [0x80b9431]
#12 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_WbemClass+0x26b) [0x80bbd82]
#13 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_DataWithStack+0xd3) [0x80b97f0]
#14 /usr/bin/wmic(ndr_pull_WbemClassObject+0x30b) [0x80bacaf]
#15 /usr/bin/wmic(WBEMDATA_Parse+0xef6) [0x80b7693]
#16 /usr/bin/wmic(IEnumWbemClassObject_SmartNext+0x4e7) [0x80b7dc5]
#17 /usr/bin/wmic(main+0x50b) [0x80b45cf]
#18 /lib/ [0x6f7e9c]
#19 /usr/bin/wmic [0x80b3a91]

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:26 pm
by lmiltchev
What is the output of the following command, run from the command line?

# ./ -H <your_windows_machine_IP_address> -u '<username>' -p '<password>' -m checkcpu -w '80' -c '90'

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 1:38 pm
by cwscribner
It prints out the same error stack I posted earlier, but preceeded by this:

Code: Select all

sh: line 1: 10035 Aborted                 /usr/bin/wmic -U user%password // 'select PercentProcessorTime,Timestamp_Sys100NS from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor where Name="_Total"' 2>&1
sh: line 1: 10091 Aborted                 /usr/bin/wmic -U user%password // 'select PercentProcessorTime,Timestamp_Sys100NS from Win32_PerfRawData_PerfOS_Processor where Name="_Total"' 2>&1
UNKNOWN: Could not retrieve all required data. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:20 pm
by lmiltchev

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 2:45 pm
by cwscribner
There are a few hundred windows servers that are being monitored via WMI and all are using the same set of config files. The majority have all services monitored successfully with the exception of a few that are like what I've posted. The prep for WMI was all done using Nagios documentation.

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 4:00 pm
by scottwilkerson
Actually, just looking at the developers Change Log it looks like this was fixed in Version 1.44 - 16th June 2011

Sometimes calculated fields based on WMI Raw data which use the WMI field Timestamp_Sys100NS return negative values. This affects checks which were calculated by differencing 2 WMI queries over a period of time eg checkcpu. This is most likely caused by inaccurate timing information provided by the hardware. This most likely only affects virtual machines, probably more on busy host platforms, due to their known inability to return accurate clock information. To counter this, we now check all calculated values and if they are below zero, we make them zero. This is really only a work-around. All calculations like this on VMs will be inaccurate by single digit percentages, especially when checked over short timeframes. We recommended using values for -y and -t as high as you can to improve accuracy. Thanks to Lee Kennedy for notifying us of this problem.

If you update the plugin to any version newer than ( 1.49 ) this should fix this problem, however I helped someone else with a similar issue and he was then forces to update wmic on the server, the steps to do that are here
From what I read on a couple forums this is a problem with wmic, and by the looks of the error, you have an old version (4.0.0alpha3-GIT-UNKNOWN) of that too...

New version can be found here ... 13.tar.bz2

Logged into your Nagios XI machine as root run:

yum install autoconf -y
cd /tmp
wget ... 13.tar.bz2
bunzip2 wmi-1.3.13.tar.bz2
tar -xvf wmi-1.3.13.tar
cd wmi-1.3.13

Have a cup of coffee as this takes a while...

Then it installed in a different location...arg...

Code: Select all

which wmic
if it comes back with
/bin/wmic as one of the options, we need to make a change in the following file

change this line
$wmic_command="/usr/bin/wmic"; # CHANGE THIS IF NEEDED

to this
$wmic_command="/bin/wmic"; # CHANGE THIS IF NEEDED

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 3:24 pm
by cwscribner
So since its working for most of the servers, what should I do? I don't want to upgrade it and break the WMI monitoring for the other servers.

Re: WMI Unknown

Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 4:36 pm
by scottwilkerson
It's a judgment call you have to make, and I can understand your concerns, at times upgrades to the smallest thing can lead you down a path not intended...

Being this is just a couple of servers that are giving these results, is there something different that you could use to monitor the same thing? Do they have a certain characteristics that makes them different than others (maybe they need something updated)...