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Testcase / Goals / Points of focus?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:15 am
by chris
Hi there,

I was wondering if there are any guidelines defined for the selected testers to follow i.e;

1. Bugtrack, what are known issues that dont need reporting anymore?
2. What are we allowed to communicate about the product, if anything.
3. What are the testing goals for a specific version? (functional / technical goals)
4. Are there any deadlines when it comes to testing these specifics?
5. Are there features of elevated interest?
- What is the 'desired' behaviour of various features?
- How is this proces managed?


Chris Gralike.

Re: Testcase / Goals / Points of focus?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 4:53 am
by chris
ps. I think you also might want to make the two locked topics "sticky"

Chris Gralike

Re: Testcase / Goals / Points of focus?

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 1:41 pm
by egalstad
Hi Chris -

You raise some very good questions. Our initial thought was to drive all feedback, bug reports, etc. through this forum. That will allow everyone to easy share thoughts and see current issues. We'll be adding a tracker site in a few days for more official bug reporting/tracking.

As for what needs to be tested - basically everything. We've done initial testing in-house and found that most everything works as we expect. We know there will be browser-specific bugs that are found (especially in IE), and some things we probably missed.

We'd like to get feedback on the following specific features so we can make adjustments before a mid/late December release:

- Configuration wizards
- User management
- Dashboards, dashlets, and views

Additionally, any comments on what you'd like to see added or changed is most welcome. We'll prioritize our todo list based on what people want.

We'll be adding some new features in the coming weeks that will add to what's currently in the XI image. These include:

- Additional config wizards (email servers, web transactions, tcp/udp ports, etc)
- Additional dashlets
- Redesigned status CGIs (host/service/group overview and detail screens)
- Audit log
- Component management (which will allow for additional addon integration)
- NagVis (very basic integration)

Some things that won't change or be added in this release, but are scheduled for inclusion in the next major release (Q1/Q2 2010) include:

- New reports (including scheduled reporting capabilities)
- Recurring scheduled downtime
- SNMP Trap Management
- Integrated distributed monitoring capabilities with (likely) DNX

Thanks for the note on making the locked posts sticky - that's done.

Re: Testcase / Goals / Points of focus?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 12:10 pm
by chris
Could this be a template that can work for you guys?

Please consider the fact that 'someone else' needs to intepret your bug report and formulate a possible solution.
To help this person do this as efficient as possible please include the following if applicable.
Please report your findings in reply of this post.

1. Browser type and version
2. Screenshot if applicable
3. Dashboard, Dashlet, view, feature name.
4. Description on how to reproduce the bug.
5. Other?

A process should be defined here by you guys. A "bug" could be intended functionality, or ... ?

Please focus your efforts on the following test subjects.

1. Configuration wizards
[screenshot / manual]
2. User Management
[Screenshot / manual]
3. Dasgboards, dashlets and views
[Screenshots / manual / definition?]

Testing can be done up till {date} afterwich we plan to do ... something (new release, fix, shift focus etc?)


Re: Testcase / Goals / Points of focus?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 5:51 am
by naparuba

Will the "Integrated distributed monitoring capabilities with (likely) DNX" will be for XI only or a standard Nagios core can use it without XI?
Thanks a lot,

Gabès Jean

Re: Testcase / Goals / Points of focus?

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2010 10:35 pm
by mmestnik
Nagios XI will continue to use components from Nagios Core. So it would be possible to have multiple instances of Nagios Core reporting to Nagios XI and, if you prefer, Nagios XI could be configured to report to and instance to Nagios Core.