How to get data from nagios core to grafana?

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How to get data from nagios core to grafana?

Post by robc »

I have nagios core setup and working, I also have pnp4nagios working and available at <nagiosIP>/pnp4nagios

I would like to make the data available in grafana.

I have tried using it directly, but apparently nagios > pnp4nagios > grafana will not work with php7
( ... s-801.html 2/3rds of the way down the page it is mentioned)
I then tried using influxdb and nagflux, but nagflux seems to require a module called "golang-github-influxdb-influxdb-datastore" which has unresolvable dependencies (at least by me) and no repo

I had a look at telegraf, but that seems to be more of a replacement for nagios than an add on

I am running on centos8, php7 & nagios core 4.4.5. what is my best bet for getting some pretty graphs in grafana? -i have the data already but about to give up on it as it's only presentation, but i must be doing something stupid here considering how many other people seem to have it working already.

Or would i be better off asking on the grafana forum maybe?
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Re: How to get data from nagios core to grafana?

Post by lmiltchev »

Or would i be better off asking on the grafana forum maybe?
Yes, grafana is not developed or maintained by us (nagios). You should post your question on their support forum. I will be closing this topic now. If you have any questions/issues about Nagios Core in particular, you can start a new thread. Thank you!
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