Installing VMWARE sdk

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Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by sneha.irali »

Hi Team,

I have a cent OS 8.3 NAgios machine, onto which I am trying to install the VMWARE sdk.

I did install the 6.5 version which says to be completed, but I am unable to open the wizard, and returns the below message.

"It appears as though you have not installed the VMware SDK or ESX plugins on your Nagios XI server. You must have these components properly installed on your system before using this wizard."

OS Version o/p:

[root@jub01nagnmsp1 vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS Linux release 8.3.2011
[root@jub01nagnmsp1 vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib]#

o/p of while I tried to reinstall the 6.5 sdk as the 7 version is not getting completed:

[root@jub01nagnmsp1 vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib]# ./ EULA_AGREED=yes
A previous installation of vSphere CLI has been detected.

The previous installation was made by the tar installer (version 4).

Keeping the tar4 installer database format.

You have a version of vSphere CLI installed. Continuing will remove it in
preparation for installing a new vSphere CLI. Do you want to continue?
[yes] no

User cancelled install.
Execution aborted.
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by dchurch »

The VMWare SDK has some prerequisite Perl libraries that must also be installed on the system before proceeding. See this guide for a full list, but basically if you do this it should install the prerequisites.

Code: Select all

yum install -y libxml2-devel libxml2 libuuid-devel perl-XML-LibXML perl-Env
yum remove perl-Crypt-SSLeay -y
cpan -i App::cpanminus
cpanm Crypt::SSLeay --dev
cpan -i Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin Nagios::Monitoring::Plugin::Functions
If you still can't get it running, try also running "yum install -y perl-Text-Template"

You should not need to reboot or restart any services for this, by the way.

If that still doesn't work, please post the output to the following command:

Code: Select all

perl -mVMware::VIRuntime
If you didn't get an 8% raise over the course of the pandemic, you took a pay cut.

Discussion of wages is protected speech under the National Labor Relations Act, and no employer can tell you you can't disclose your pay with your fellow employees.
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by sneha.irali »


The issue is still the same:

To give you more background on this- I had tried to install sdk 7 but that failed although the given pre-requisites were in place. Then I tried a version lower to it i.e., 6.7 sdk and that was still the same. Then I chose 6.5 sdk this was completed but I am unable to open the wizard.

Additionally installing sdk 6.5 resolved my Return code of 127 is out of bounds. error:

Refer my post on forum: ... 16&t=62307

O/p as requested:

[root@jub01nagnmsp1 vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib]# perl -mVMware::VIRuntime
\C no longer supported in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/(\ <-- HERE C)/ at /usr/lib64/perl5/URI/ line 215.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 22.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/lib64/perl5/ line 22.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/VMware/ line 257.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /usr/share/perl5/VMware/ line 257.
Compilation failed in require at /usr/share/perl5/VMware/ line 14.
Compilation failed in require.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted.
[root@jub01nagnmsp1 vmware-vsphere-cli-distrib]#
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by dchurch »

The PDF I linked above has the instruction:
If you are installing on a RHEL/CentOS 8 system, you must download SDK 7.0.
If you didn't get an 8% raise over the course of the pandemic, you took a pay cut.

Discussion of wages is protected speech under the National Labor Relations Act, and no employer can tell you you can't disclose your pay with your fellow employees.
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by sneha.irali »


I have tried to install the sdk 7 and below was the error I see

Installing vSphere CLI 7 build-8156551 for Linux.

Network is unavailable, please configure the network first otherwise please
install the following modules manually for use by vSphere CLI:

Crypt::SSLeay 0.72 or newer

UUID 0.27 or newer

Net::INET6Glue 0.603 or newer
Dreams In Code
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by ssax »

Since you're on EL8, you MUST use the v7 SDK, when it asked you this, make sure to hit yes:

Code: Select all

You have a version of vSphere CLI installed. Continuing will remove it in
preparation for installing a new vSphere CLI. Do you want to continue?
[yes] no
It doesn't look like your system has access to download the packages it needs, likely a firewall or proxy blocking it.

What does this output?

Code: Select all

cpan -i UUID Crypt::SSLeay Net::INET6Glue
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by sneha.irali »

Here with attaching the o/p as requested.

Yes this Nagios server do not have a internet on it, hence we have to request Client to whitelist the required URL's
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Dreams In Code
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by ssax »

That looks good, try restarting httpd/php-fpm/nagios and test again:

Code: Select all

systemctl restart httpd php-fpm nagios
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by sneha.irali »


I did try to restart the services, but the issue remains same I could not access VMWARE Wizard. What would be the next step to troubleshoot.

systemctl restart httpd php-fpm nagios
Dreams In Code
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Re: Installing VMWARE sdk

Post by ssax »

Please create a ticket for this and include a link back to this forum thread so we can get a remote session setup:

Thank you!