host/service notifications not sending

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host/service notifications not sending

Post by rb8telitcom »

We are setting up a Nagios XI 5.8.3, initial config was imported from a decommissioned instance in another Data Center.
I have it set up to use SMTP for email, the Admin > email settings > test works and the user > send test notifications work.
Host and Service notifications don't work. I am monitoring the SMTP logs and nothing is being sent to them for host and service alerts.

I have verified notifications are turned on, time period is 24x7, followed all the steps in Nagios XI - Notification Problems
in /usr/local/nagiosxi/tmp/phpmailer.log I see entries for the admin and user test, but nothing on the host alerts.

Can you advise any other trouble shooting steps I can check?

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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by vtrac »

How are you doing?
Please check your contacts and make sure "n" flag is not defined in "service_notification_options".

Here's an example, which has "n" flag define .... you need to remove the "n" flag:

Below is (example) content of contact's cfg:

Code: Select all

define contact {
    contact_name maplebee
    alias maplebee
    host_notifications_enabled 1
    service_notifications_enabled 1
    host_notification_period 24x7
    service_notification_period 24x7
    host_notification_options d,u,r,f,s,n,
    service_notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s,n,
    host_notification_commands notify-host-by-email
    service_notification_commands notify-service-by-email
As you can see, "n" flag must be removed off of "service_notification_options w,u,c,r,f,s,n," line.

Here's a example forum ticket with notification issue resolved: ... =7&t=39208

If the above step does not resolve the issue, please upload your "".
Also provide "host" and "service" name that is having notification issue.
Nagios XI GUI > Admin > System Config > System Profile > Click "Download profile"

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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by rb8telitcom »

Thanks Vinh,
But that was already verified. notifications are enabled for the contacts, hosts, services.
I have tried both Send mail and SMTP for email settings. both have the same results:
admin/contact tests are successful.
Host/service/custom notifications don't register at all, no evidence in the phpmailer log or the postfix log.
this is affecting all host and services but for this purpose lets focus on the host and services for: Linux Utility USE

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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by vtrac »

Here's the quick video on how to create and manage user. ... s-711.html

I looked and all your contact has no email defined. Please add real email address for this to works.
Here's one of your contact, which has no email address:

Code: Select all

define contact {
	contact_name	companyL3
	alias	companyL3
	service_notification_period	24x7
	host_notification_period	24x7
	service_notification_options	r,w,u,c,f,s
	host_notification_options	r,d,u,f,s
	service_notification_commands	notify-service-by-email
	host_notification_commands	notify-host-by-email
	minimum_importance	0
	host_notifications_enabled	1
	service_notifications_enabled	1
	can_submit_commands	1
	retain_status_information	1
	retain_nonstatus_information	1
Here's and example of my "nagiosadmin" in one of my test VM:

Code: Select all

define contact {
        contact_name    nagiosadmin
        alias   Nagios Admin
        service_notification_period     nagiosadmin_notification_times
        host_notification_period        nagiosadmin_notification_times
        service_notification_options    r,w,u,c,f,s
        host_notification_options       r,d,u,f,s
        service_notification_commands   xi_service_notification_handler
        host_notification_commands      xi_host_notification_handler
        minimum_importance      0
        host_notifications_enabled      1
        service_notifications_enabled   1
        can_submit_commands     1
        retain_status_information       1
        retain_nonstatus_information    1

As you can see, I do have "email" defined in the "nagiosadmin" contact.

Please open your Nagios XI > Admin > Manage Users and add email to all your users and contacts.
Here's a list of your user.txt in the "" you attached earlier.
As you can see from the above picture, looks like your users is do not have real email address.

Best Regards,
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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by rb8telitcom »

the users do have valid email address, they were edited out of the logs sent due to security does not allow usernames, email and such to be posted on public forums.

The users do have a valid email addresses, clicking on the user name in the upper right corner, then clicking on "Send Test Notification" sends a test email to that users successfully. it works using both SMTP email option and the sendmail option.

initiating a notification alert either host or service results in no email being sent, even though it is recorded in the notification report that one was. I do see in the notifications it is showing the Dispatcher as "Custom: " not as "Nagios XI"

the AD users have a corresponding contact user with the same name and email. those contacts are using the xi_contact_generic template and it is set to use xi_host_notification_handler/xi_service_notification_handler.
I also have just a contact user using the generic-contact template and it is set to use notify-host-by-email/notify-service-by-email

none of the users receive emails on host/service alerts. but it is registered in the Notifications report that they should be.
all contacts, hosts and services are set to enable notifications. (none of the cfg files show the "n" option )

Thank you
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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by vtrac »

Sorry, but I am lost with what happens here.

Let me ask you this, was all these working on your older machine?

What version of XI on your older machine?

Here's are what I tell people when doing upgrade:
- Spin up new (clean) OS
- Install SAME version of XI as it is on the older machine (VM) ..... THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!!!
- Create a XI backup of the older machine, then restore that onto the NEW machine.
- Now, upgrade the new machine to the latest.

Is there anyway you can start over with doing the steps I mentioned above?

Best Regards,
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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by vtrac »

I asked a senior team member here at Nagios to help me look at this ticket .... here are his comments:
Please upload a fresh copy of your "" .... or PM me the file.

Please also share screenshots of issue, if possible .... since it is easier to debug!!

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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by rb8telitcom »

Thanks for the help with this issue, I walked back through the migrations steps and I found that in the mod German "module.conf" it was set to notifications=yes, this caused the host and services notifications to be forward to the mod German worker nodes, which are not set up to use SMPT relay.
With mod German forwarding notifications, Reports > Notifications >Dispatcher shows > Custom:
With notification set to no, to have the Nagios sever send them, Dispatcher shows correctly > Custom: notify-host-by-email or Nagios XI

This issue can be closed now , Thank you.
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Re: host/service notifications not sending

Post by vtrac »

Great!! ..... locking thread .... :-)

Thank You!!